Rest Days and Why, Thursday June 15/17

 Rest Days

Well its Thursday which is universally known as a rest day in almost all fitness regimes especially those who train 5 days a week. Preferably we would like to see those who want to train 5 days a week be either on a schedule of 3 work days, 1 rest, 2 work, 1 rest. We know schedules don't always match that so we do accept 5 days on 2 days off or other variations. With that said, Thursday does not need to be a rest day, ( but another day does) The problem we see is some of you are super excited about every workout we post.. and you think "I have to do this one" ( Weirdos Am I right?) and before you know it it is Monday and there has been no rest..... Actual Quote " I came to do mobility and next thing I know I was in the WOD"We all learn this at some point or other, so please listen to us!  We have gone through the trouble of being hurt for you,  just so we can tell you what can happen :) ( its all for you, lol ).Example: There once was a time when Coach Steph had been in the gym training a lot and Scott asked her " How many days in a row have you trained?"She replied "28 Days"...Long story short Steph got a forced 4 day vacation from the gym..So here I am coming to you and letting you know, We know how many days you have trained in a week, you may bounce classes but as coaches, we talk and Steph and I always see the board and look for your names :) So please if you are attempting to train 6-7  days a week, make sure 1 day is Active rest ( no gym, out side hike, bike ski, enjoy your kids or sports) and one day is full rest with 1 hour mobility only (no active rest)Please don't make us force a rest day on you or take a way your privileges lol.

You ask why? "I feel a little sore, but still really great"


As a strength and conditioning coach, I make one thing clear to anyone who will listen: You have to respect the process. There is a progression for everything, and if true results are going to be achieved, then hard work and dedication are required. In the gymnastics of CrossFit, you must have the strict movements down first. A stable base and lots of core stability must be developed before higher-skilled movements can be performed. If this is not developed, catastrophic injuries can occur, yet I’ve witnessed it on many instagram posts and i am sure you have too.Doing a movement improperly over and over again is not intelligent because, well, you just can't do it. Athletes sometimes just need to go back to the drawing board in order to develop that movement. ( hence why we have the level system so you can look and master a progression one day and Rx the next or continue to work your progressions to get to the occasional Rx)This can mean additional months of strength and skill development, but people hate doing that. They want a coach to find a quicker solution. I hate to break it to you, but sometimes there are no magic coaching words or adjustments that are going to make you better. Why? Because you just can't do it. You are not strong enough or technically proficient, at this moment in time and more work and less rest is not going to fix that. It is important to understand that although you have the potential, there is a learning curve to anything. 

A Few tips for everyone who steps foot in our doors.

Tip #1: Listen to Your Body

This is the work-rest day ratio I explained up above is what CrossFit created when the program began and people tend read too much into it... It is not a must you can break sooner, if your body is telling you to stop, then listen.CrossFit requires you to be strong ( and most of us come to it weak and this is why your coach puts you through progressions). In my opinion, the basis of a solid program will always be strength. This is in regards to both weightlifting and gymnastics. If you work on building a stronger you in all domains, then the rest will fall into place. Once a sound strength base has been established, then it is important to work on mastering more advanced skills. But in order to get strong you can’t get caught up in lifting all the time and doing every workout in sight in pursuit of getting better. You must understand that to build strength, you must rest.


The body repairs and strengthens in the time between workouts. Continuous training can actually weaken the strongest athletes. Recovery days are the only way possible to restore muscle tissue breakdown to make you stronger. Don't stress, it is okay to take two days off. It is okay to only workout one day and need a rest day the next. You should never be in perpetual soreness. Listening to your body is crucial.

Tip #2: Let Injuries Heal

Tweaks and injuries are a part of any sport or fitness activities. It is inevitable as intensity rises. With the amount of training a competitive CrossFitter does, it is easy to tweak something or have old injuries flare up. It is beyond important to stay healthy, not only to live a full life, but particularly when you should be training to be able to do fun activities outside the gym. You have to let small injuries get better or they can lead to large ones. And the longer you ignore injuries, the longer it will take for them to heal.Don’t be too proud to scale or change a movement that may reactivate an injury and elongate the healing process. Remember you are in this for the long haul and it is important to see the big picture, as opposed to being a badass for one day. We want you to think, “I want to work smarter, not harder.”

Tip #3: Understand Volume

Understand the volume you’re doing on a daily and weekly basis. Especially in regards to the amount of repetitions you’re doing of a given movement, the amount of load you are stressing your skeletal system with, and the movement combinations that you are hitting. Make sure you have a plan and it is understood, at Indestri We program Monday to Friday with specialty classes on weekends. The specialty classes are taken into consideration from the previous week but you need to pick and choose your battles. YOU CAN'T DO THEM ALL :) :)I know they all look "fun" but you need to chose the workouts that challenge you and allow you to recover.


Do not just trust the programming at our box because you assume all CrossFit is created equal - It’s not. As random as it may seem... I have plans in place. We pay attention to the volume of training that we put forth. But it is also important for you to understand how this volume affects you. You have to know how your body reacts to high-rep squat workouts, high-rep pressing workouts, running, rowing, gymnastics, etc. If you do 300 double unders on a Monday, does your body recover to do more work the next day? What are the risks? What are the benefits? LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!

Keep a log.

Start to understand how you feel after a ton of shoulder and leg movements. Do the math. If you hit a three-round, five-rep workout of clean and jerks at 205lbs, and then decide to hit thirty reps of snatches at 135lbs the following day, then you are totaling 3,075lbs of load one day and 4,050lbs the next. Yes, the weight is lighter on day two, but you just loaded almost 1,000lbs more than the day before, and with virtually the same movement. Depending on the person, this can place significant stress on the body and possibly lead to an overuse injury or serious neuromuscular fatigue. Neuromuscular fatigue can last for several days and affect your workouts, leading to frustration and if ignored injury.

Learn your thresholds.

What kind of volume can your body handle and still perform at high levels? Some people need little recovery, ( still at least 2 days) while others require a lot. Once again, it is a listening game for you when it comes to your body, and communication is key between you and your coaches. Tell us we can adapt anything!

Follow these three general principles

It will help you get better at CrossFit and in turn more Fit, but it is important to understand the learning curve is different for everyone. It is not only about learning movements, but also about learning how your body reacts to them. In CrossFit, you have to be willing to crawl before you can walk. You can’t get caught up in the scoreboard or what others around you are doing. You must be willing to learn at all times, to take coaching advice, and to stick to consistent programming. (Class)ENJOY!Sometimes we all just need to stop and enjoy what it means to improve. Do not put pressure on yourself or think it has to happen now. HAVE FUN!  Fitness should be fun! Never forget this. This is why you love CrossFit. It is why you choose to come in and spend time with the community. Put a smile on your face and work diligently towards your goals. If you do this, then you will find yourself in a satisfying place.Stouty.

Thursday June 15, 2017


Dead Lifts15 mins 2 Find 5RM.

Workout Of the Day:

5 rounds for reps:1 minute of 185 /135lb. deadlifts1 minute of push-ups1 minute of Toes-to-BarScore total Reps.Lvl 2 Fitness5 rounds for reps:-1 minute of 155/105lb. deadlifts-1 minute of push-ups-1 minute of Toes as high as possible.Lvl 1 Technique5 rounds for reps:-1 minute of 135/95-lb. deadlifts-1 minute of Box push-ups-1 minute of Knee Raises.Lvl 4 Competitor5 rounds for reps:1 minute of 225/155-lb. deadlifts1 minute of push-ups1 minute of strict Toes-to-Bar.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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FGB - Friday June 16/17


Hero WOD "Sisson" - Wednesday June 14/17