Here we will try to answer some of the FAQs that we get often. If you have a question that is not addressed here, or you would like more clarification on a question please feel free to reach out to indestri@gmail.com


How do I start CrossFit?

We’re thrilled you asked. Email indestri@gmail.com to find out when our next fundamental session is coming up, we typically run them once a month. Everyone who trains with us is required to go through a fundamental program prior to joining regular classes. Our fundamental program is designed to give athletes an understanding of how are classes run, and more importantly expose athletes to the fundamental movements we do in CrossFit classes. This is to set you up for success.

Can I try a class first?

No sorry, that is what fundamentals are for.
We want to ensure the experience for everyone in the facility is a good one. Fundamentals are required before attending any classes.

Can I come and just watch a class?

No sorry, we don’t allow spectating in our facility. Training / Working Out can be very vulnerable for a lot of people, in order to protect them, and their experience in the facility we do not allow spectating. The only exception to this is during a competition.

Do I need to be fit to start CrossFit?

CrossFit is the training methodology, the fitness program to get you fit. One of the biggest myths is that you need to start CrossFit “fit”. CrossFit is how you get fit, and stay fit.

I’ve done other forms of fitness for years, can I skip fundamentals?

No. Fundmentals is our introduction program to set you and our coaches up for success in regular classes. We’ve been doing this since 2010 and while the length of our fundamentals program has varied, from 10 classes down to 2 over the years, doing a fundamental program has always been mandatory for anyone new to CrossFit. Even if you’ve done other forms of functional fitness, we still require fundamentals for anyone new to the CrossFit space.

How big are your classes?

Our class capacity is 20 athletes.

Do you have to register for classes?

Yes. Class registration is mandatory prior to attending the facility, and opens at 8pm each night for the classes the following day. Members can register for class through zenplanner.

Do you have child care?

We do not sorry.

Can I bring my children to the gym with me?

We love children, and we believe that developing a healthy relationship with fitness from an early age is important which is why we have a children’s program. Bringing children with you to the gym during adult class times, we do allow to happen when children are old enough to sit in the chairs in the lobby and understand that for their safety they need to stay in the lobby. Children can not be on the gym floor at any time during an adult class, or can not play outside as it’s an industrial building with trucks coming and going at different times.

Can children join adult classes?

No. We don’t mix adults and children in classes. When teens turn 18 years old they can enter the adult classes.

Can I bring my dog to the gym with me?

While we love dogs. This is not the space for your dog sorry.

Do you have showers?

Yes we have one in each of the washrooms / change rooms.

Do you offer Open Gym?

Not anymore. We have moved back into a 100% class based facility.
The fun of CrossFit is in the community. The community are in classes.

If you don’t have open gym times can I come before class and stay after class to work on things?

If you were to arrive 15 to 20 mins before class to get yourself moving, as long as there is not a class happening at the time of arrival, we would be okay with that. If there is a class happening, you can not step onto the floor, bikes, etc. It’s that classes time in the gym.
You can not stay after classes to work on anything sorry. We either have other programs running, or it’s our coaches time to leave the facility. Classes are the time to work on things. Please remember that classes are training, and in training we work on bettering your movements and skills. Classes are not competition or game day. This often gets forgotten when people think of the whiteboard. The whiteboard is simply a means of holding you accountable, and recording data for our programming.

I have something going on, can I just come to class and ride the bike?

We’re a coach led class based facility. We can, and are happy to modify and scale movements during a workout to avoid whatever is going on and ensure that you can participate in classes, but class participation is required. We don’t have open gym in our facility.

I’m going on vacation, can I pause my membership?

We can not offer short term pauses to your membership, however we can pause for an entire month, (ie) May 1st and reactive June 1st) but we require one week notice prior to the end of the month to get that set.

Do I need anything special to CrossFit?

Not really. Clothes you can wear to train in, shoes you can train in, a water bottle, and ideally we suggest purchasing your own skipping rope, and we highly recommend bringing a book to record your workouts and data in. We do sell WODbooks as well, but you can use any book really.
Fitness is measurable, but only if you're recording your data to be able to measure your progress.

Can I set up a camera and record my workout?

For the hour that you’re in class you need to be present. Please keep your phones, etc. off the gym floor. Training / working out is a vulnerable time for a lot of people and they don’t want to be recorded in the backs of your videos. If there is a movement you would like recorded, if the coach isn’t busy please ask the coach if they can record you for a minute.