FGB - Friday June 16/17
FGB is another iconic CrossFit WOD, originally designed by "Coach" for the MMA competitor BJ Penn. After completing 5 rounds (now know as “Championship FGB”) BJ was just barely coherent, prone when Coach Glassman asked him how it was. his response.. “Coach, it was like a fight gone bad!” And there you go, thats been the name ever since.
Benchmark FGB
is a unique format. 5 exercises, each done for exactly 1:00; the clock does NOT stop between exercises as you move immediately from one to the next. Your score is one point for each rep (or calorie in the case of rowing). Wall Ball -> Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) -> Box Jump -> Push Press -> Row. At the end of the Row you rest precisely 1:00 and then do all 5 again, rest 1:00, then do all 5 one last time. You do 3 rounds of FGB, a total of 17:00 for the WOD and when its over the common reaction is...... Collapse in a heap :)
Wall Ball
20#, 10’ target. 14# for women. Hold the WB in the front rack. Do a front squat, rise, and thrust the WB to a height 10/9' above the ground. Catch the ball not the way down and repeat. simple but sucks lol
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
SDHP 75/55#. Assume a Sumo stance, feet measurably further than shoulder width apart. Grasp a bar with a total load of 75# (45# bar w/2 15# plates, 35# bar w/4 10# plates) with your hands approx 9” apart. Extend your legs then rapidly open your hips then pull with your arms ending with your elbows above the bar, bar elevated to collarbone level. Reverse the order on the way back down to the ground.
Box Jumps
the Box is 20” (women 16#). From a standing start jump to the box and stand up straight, hips fully open. Jump back down..
Push Press
75#. Use the same bar you used for the SDHP. You must start from the ground—the original FGB was always from a rack but at Indestri we program from the floor. From the front rack position Dip and Drive the bar up, locking out your elbows and pushing your head through your arms so some part of your ear is visible in front of your elbow
for calories. As noted previously, we use the Concept 2 rowing machine. Set the C2 damper on 5 and the computer on Calories. Pull like a well trained Indestri athlete with a side of …well, crazy. You get 1:00 of rest after the row. What should you sub for rowing? Tough question, actually, Ski or Bike is most likely the best option .This is a great chance to “compare to” your starting point as most of you have done this usually in your fundamentals.I still get chills when we hit ”FGB'", arguably one of the two or three most famous Crossfit WODs in 3-2-1…GO.
Friday June 16, 2017
Group movement prep and Warm Up.
Workout Of the Day:
3 rounds of:Wall-ball shots, 20/14Sumo deadlift high pulls, 75/55 lb. (reps)Box jumps, 20/16 inch box (reps)Push presses, 75/55 lb. (reps)Row (calories)In this workout, you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. After the first 5-minute round, take a 1-minute break before repeating. On call of "rotate," the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is 1 point..Lvl 2 Fitness3 rounds of:Wall-ball shots, 14/10Sumo deadlift high pulls, 65/35 lb. (reps)Box jumps, 16/12 inch box (reps)Push presses, 65/35 lb. (reps)Row (calories).Lvl 1 Technique3 rounds of:Wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball, 10-ft. target (reps)KB Sumo deadlift high pulls, 24/16 kg. (reps)Box jumps, 12/8 inch box (reps)Db Push presses, 20/15 lb. (reps)Row (calories).Lvl 4 Competitor 350/300 plus reps at Rx.
Cash Out:
Rom WOD.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.