Mobility Swap - Tuesday April 4/17

Mobility Swap

Incase you missed the Sunday blog, we're doing a little swap around with our Sunday classes.  Strength & Conditioning will now be held on Sunday's from 9am-10:30am and Mobility class will now be held from 10:30am-11:30am.If you haven't ever come to a mobility class this is a must try class!  We should all be able to perform basic maintenance on ourselves.  This class is about optimizing our mobility, preventing injury, learning to train smarter and recover better, working on treating our own pain or injuries, so that you're able to enjoy gains in your day to day training!How much time do you spend on your mobility each week? 

Tuesday April 4th, 2017


1 Mile Time Trial or 2km row depending on weatherscale with 1200, or 1000m run1500 or 1km row.

Workout Of the Day:

Squat Snatch 5x3 Medium LoadWeighted Pull Ups 10x3.Lvl 2 FitnessSquat Snatch 5x3 Light LoadPull Ups 10x3.Lvl 1 TechniquePower Snatch to OHS 5x3 Empty Bar or TrainerLight Banded Pull Ups 10x3.Lvl 4 Competitor: Squat Snatch 5x3 HeavyMuscle ups 10x3.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

CrossFit Total - Wednesday April 5/17


Building - Monday April 3/17