CrossFit Total - Wednesday April 5/17

CrossFit Total

The CrossFit Total reflects an athlete's functional strength capacity more accurately than any other test.CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at your back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift.You get 3 attempts at each lift for your CrossFit Total.The score of the CrossFit Total is the total number of all 3 lifts combined, so a 200lb back squat, 60lb shoulder press and 210lb deadlift would give a score of 470lbs.There are several rules that need to be obeserved for all the lifts to count.

Back Squat

The back squat is performed from a squat rack. The bar must be walked backwards, a squat completed to full depth, (ie hip crease below the knee) and return to a fully locked out standing position before re-racking the bar.

Shoulder Press

The shoulder press must also be performed from the squat rack. The bar must be pressed fully overhead with the knees hips and arms fully locked out. Any bending of the knees will be a no lift.


The deadlift is performed from the floor. The bar is lifted to a locked out position where the knees and hips are fully extended, and shoulders are behind the bar.Time to lift heavy!**The CrossFit Total is a benchmark in the gym.  If you're still working on depth in your squat, there is nothing wrong with that, but your back squat rep that you will count towards your CFT will be the rep that you can fully squat below parallel.  Be sure to write everything down! So the next time CFT comes up, you know how you felt, exactly what you did etc.  Maybe you back squatted 150lbs below parallel and tried for 160lbs but it was slightly above.  Make note of that so you know how close you were for next time.  This is one of those times where your numbers are important!

Wednesday April 5th, 2017

 Warm Up:

Group Dynamic Warm up.

Workout Of the Day:


CrossFit total1RM Back Squat1RM Sh. Press1RM Dead Lift.

Cash Out:

ROM WOD.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Tabata - Thursday April 6/17


Mobility Swap - Tuesday April 4/17