Sunday New Active Recovery Class - June 25/17
Mobility Class is Evolving to Active Recovery
Active Recovery
At Indestri we are always trying to manage your health and wellness and listen to your feedback to make sure we are getting you the best the programming can offer you. we have been assessing a few classes and decided to make a few changes including Recovery.Currently on Sundays we build strength and then we mobilize. The Strength and Mobility will stay the same but we are now going to build in Active Recovery for those who are sore from the Friday/Saturday WOD or just did the Sunday strength or just want a light day to feel better leading into the next week. The Active recovery is a class for you. You are welcome to stay for 30 minutes or the full hour.You could also come for the last 30 minutes depending on your schedule.
Schedule will be as follows:
Strength & ConditioningThis Class is 45 mins of Lifting and 15 mins of conditioning, there is no olympic lifting in this class. It is a power lifting focus with general strongman and grunt work style conditioning. This class will now be 1 hour & 15 minutes.
Active RecoveryThis class will be 30 minutes Active Recovery. (AR) This class focuses on completing an exercise at a low intensity, but high enough to increase blood flow and enhance the clearance of enzymes responsible for muscle damage and residual fatigue. AR plays a huge role in minimizing the symptoms of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) The 30 minute Flush/ Cool down will be ( Light Rowing, Running, Bikes or Dynamic Functional Moving) and then the second half Mobility is 30 minutes of ROM WOD or Smash style mobility
Sunday June 25, 2017
Focus: Realization Week
1X5 @ 50%1X3 @ 60%1X2 @ 70%Realization1X1 @ 75%1X1 @ 80%1X1 @ 85%AMRAP @ 90%.
Workout Of the Day:
12 Min AMRAP3 Tire Flips Heavy6 DB OH Lunges 35/559/6 Cal Bike12 Sledge Hammer Swings.
Cash Out:
Active Recovery 30 minutesMobility 30 minutes.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.