Partner Magic -Saturday, June 1st 2019
Today, Coach Sarah is taking you on a wonderful fitness adventureIn Pairs For Time:(On Part 1 only 1 Person may work at a time)150 Wall Balls80 Handstand Push Ups50 Deadlifts 345/225Rest 3 Min(On Part 2 both athletes do the entire workout but MUST move from station to station together)21-15-9Chest to Bar Pull UpsKettlebell Swings 32/24Goblet Squats 32/24Rest 5 MinPartner 1: 12 Db Thruster 50/35 – 1 Length Belly Carry ( heavy stone, keg, d-ball ect) Partner 2: 12 Thruster –1 Length Belly Carry Partner 1: 9 Thruster –1 Length Belly Carry Partner 2: 9 Thruster –1 Length Belly CarryPartner 1: 6 Thruster –1 Length Belly Carry Partner 2: 6 Thruster –1 Length Belly Carry Partner 1: 3 Thruster –1 Length Belly Carry Partner 2: 3 Thruster –1 Length Belly Carry