Jo - Wednesday September 26th, 2018
Jo Walker Nicholson
Amazing Athlete, determined, stubborn, Great attitude and incredible work ethic.Those are just some of the words I would choose to describe Jo... There is a lot of others but those are the ones that come to mind. If you are not sure who Jo is, swing by the gym almost any day just after 8:00am. She will be on the side copying down the days workout in her book, then getting prepped for a warm up ( or workout if you have ever warmed up with her you will know what I mean) Jo does more work between 830 and 930 then I do all day.Jo likes Burpees.. actually does them for fun all the time. But for real if you want to meet her, come in before 9:30 or take a 9:30 class Monday to Sunday and she will be there. Its almost as our toughest job with Jo is convincing her to take a day off :) disclaimer adult language will be used during workouts when she is in the class. And by adult I mean like a sailor that has tourette's ... But don't let that fool you as she is a sweet, polite and fun person to hang out and chat with. She just really likes to swear during workouts :)Jo does WODs at home on rest days.. we know .. secrets are all over instagramJo Nicholson is a part of Indestri, she makes us proud to be coaches and when we see the work she puts in, she motivates us to be better. Jo has been battling a bad ankle for many years now and I still remember when we were raising money for epilepsy and she was dealing with pain but still decided she was going to run miles on miles everyday to help us reach our goal of 500 miles as a gym. Never once complained or showed it was bugging her but we knew she was fighting through. Doctors all said she was going to have to deal with it as the ankle was just too far damaged over years of wear and tear...Jo might be a little OCD.. just a tiny bit..So with this Bum ankle she kept showing up day after day and with some modifications she always crushed her workouts, and without her wanting to be or probably not even realizing it she has become a leader in the community at Indestri. She leads by example in every aspect, shes the first to say hi and introduce herself to new faces, she works hard and shows up continuously, she smiles and helps where ever needed, she supports the gym in many ways and is always a delight to be around. Jo is respected I think by everyone that meets her. She is a role model and a genuine good person, thank you Jo for your leadership in this community.Jo is now an Adaptive athlete...But back to this ankle, the real reason I wanted to write about Jo is to highlight her accomplishments in the past month. Jo finally had enough of this ankle and pain that she had an ankle replacement surgery, tough and scary surgery to have...Oh yeah..BTW, She walked out of the operating room and up the street on crutches, and the next day with doctors permission she did a seated workout. Did you expect anything less? She has been in listening to her coaches and adapting where ever needed and modifying for other movements she can not do currently until fully healed. Day 2 after the surgery she was 1 leg rowing. She has never even skipped a beat and as most people find out you heal faster when you remain active from injury, you just need to listen to your coaches and doctors about what to avoid to make sure you do not cause any additional issues.This is definitely the case for Jo as her recovery has been amazing and positive. It is inspiring to witness, she is amazing to chat with and has taken on this challenge and recovery with a great attitude.. So if you were looking for an excuse to hit a 9:30am WOD.. Meeting Jo is a great reason to check it out and remember to bring it.. because there is no Chance that she isn't, plus you may learn a few new choice words :))
Jo Notables
- She needs to have her book near her during WODs
- She is not talking to you or calling you out when you hear.. "Come on just fucking go" "Pick that shit Up" she is talking to herself... but feel free to listen :)
- If she misses a rep or looses count she will just restart her counting.. and do too many reps
- She likes what she likes and will be loyal to those are good to her
- Mom of 2 and loves the outdoors
- Enjoy's naps
- She could be mistaken as a little Cray :) but aren't we all?
Til next week, keep kicking ass and taking names, trying new things and getting outside that comfort Zone. We have your back so go for it!- Stouty
Wednesday, September 26th, 2018
Partner WOD6 RdsPartner A : Rows 250mPartner B : Holds a hollow body / superman alt..
Back Squats for 20 minutesStart Empty Bar perform 3 back squatsadd 10- 20lbs every 3 reps until failureREST IS ONLY THE TIME YOU TAKE TO LOAD THE BARWork in groups of 3-4.If you fail or would like to scale:take off 40lbs from your fail or work up to 50%-60% andcontinue 3 reps EMOM until end of 20 minutes
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us: