Cupping Workshop 101 - Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

Cupping Workshop 101

Are you interested in learning how you can help yourself get over some general aches + pains, + help add in some better recovery after hard workouts?  Have you heard of the Traditional Chinese practise of Cupping?Think Michael Phelps, Josh Bridges, Floyd Mayweather, Andy Murry + Justin Beiber.  They are all believers in cupping and its benefits.  Benefits that include, easing pain + inflammation, increasing blood flow, helping with detoxification, relaxation + well-being, and lastly the deepest tissue massage possible.We're thrilled to have Master trained and Cupping enthusiast, Jennifer Redding (R.Ac) Registered with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practioners and Acupuncturist of Ontario.You will be learning how to use your very own silicone cups for faster recovery.  The workshop includes background information on Cupping,  3 of your very own cups and proper knowledge in the skills involved in cupping your aches + pains.Cost to attend the Cupping Workshop with Jennifer Redding of ACUFX, is $65. per person.Which as mentioned above includes the workshop + a set of 3 of your very own cups.Cupping Workshop will be held at CrossFit Indestri on Saturday, November 10th from 10:30am until 12:30pm.We have an event set up on Zenplanner now, please sign in.  For CrossFit Indestri members, when you sign in for the workshop, your account will be charge the $65. to attend.  For non-members we will need you to email the gym and let us know to add you to the event and will send an email with an invoice for the $65. which can be paid online.We need everyone to sign up, and pay ahead of time to ensure that Jennifer has enough sets of cups for everyone attending.Non members are absolutely welcome to attend.

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018


Deadlift4-4-4-4thenEMOM x4 Heavy Dead Lifts.

WOD: 11 mins

3x 3 min AMRAP with 1 min rest between Amraps7 Dead Lifts 185/1255 HSPU3 BMU.

Level 2

7 Dead Lifts 135/952 Wall Walks3 C2B pull ups ( band if needed).

Level 1

7 Dead Lifts 115/755 HR/kb  push ups3 pull ups ( band if needed)..

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


Are you under the weather? - Thursday, October 25th, 2018


The Spooktacular Hunt - Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018