Curtis Petahtegoose - Wednesday, November 28th, 2018

Curtis Petahtegoose

As many of you may have heard one of our longtime CFI family members, Curtis Petahtegoose suffered a severe stroke at home over the weekend.  For those who don't know, Curtis is a FireFighter for the City of Toronto, and also an RMT at Scandinave Spa.  When he failed to show up for a couple shift at the spa, Susan Knight, another member and co-worker of Curtis's went to his home on Monday morning to check on him along with Coach Brit.  As it's unlike Curtis not to show up for shifts.  Sometime over the weekend Curtis had suffered a severe stroke.He is currently in the ICU in the Collingwood Hospital.  As of Tuesday morning he is allowed to have visitors (2 at a time) for anyone who would like to see him.  He is currently paralyzed on the left side of his body, but is able to communicate with his right hand, and this morning he spoke 3 words to nurses.We are in constant contact with his brother Barry.  We will plan to do something to help support Curtis + his family when they need it.Some of you know, newer members might not, 3 years ago today, November 27th, we had a member come to the gym for the 7am class,  as the class was starting the buy in, he clasped on the floor (having a major heart attack), unfortunately it was not his first heart attack, but that morning he was in the right place at the right time, in that 7am class there just so happened to a registered nurse, a paramedic and a firefighter.  Curtis was that firefighter, who began CPR, and is a big reason why that members life was saved that day.Curtis is a special man, with a true heart of gold.  Please join us in sending him thoughts + prayers as he embarks on his road to recovery.  From what we understand from his family, they plan to have him transferred to Sudbury when he is able to be moved, to be closer to them.  Until then, his family is currently in Collingwood to be here with him at the hospital.  We will find out if there is anything we can do to help them and keep everyone posted. 

Wednesday, November 28th, 2018

Week 3 Back Squats

EMOM 20 minuteswe will be going to 25 minutes for sure next week and then see about 30... a lot of you requested to go to 30 as we did the first time we tried this 2 years ago. Right now our response to that is lets see who gets past 25 ...ha!Remember, increasing weight or reps during this cycle is not the objective. the objective is to increase form and endurance in the squat. So stay at your original week 1 weight and reps unless form breaks down, then decrease weight before reps.So until I see you next,Keep your knees tracking out, your chest up, arches active and push through the posterior chain and heels.. Squat Life- Stouty


Back squat warm up and group mobility.


Back Squat EMOM 203-5 reps at weight from previous week, if you missed the first or second week do 10 or 15 minutes instead and then jump on a bike for remaining time..

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


lil kilos + big gainz session - Thursday, November 29th, 2018


Update - Tuesday, November 27th, 2018