Etiquette - Wednesday, March 28, 2018


During the 5 weeks of the open a few things get a little lacks in the gym.  We apologize to all the members who didn't compete in the open, if the open may felt like it became the centre of 5 weeks.

Just a few reminders of some of the etiquette in the box.Please be on time for class, this shows respect to your coach and the other athletes.  The only class that it is acceptable to slightly late for is noon as we know your rushing on your lunch hour.Encroaching on the class coming in after you.  There are a few times throughout the day when we have classes back to back, and we ask that in respect to the class coming after, that the class finishing please exit the floor area to give the class coming in their time in the gym.  If you wish to stay to mobilize or socialize we absolutely encourage that, but please move to the mobility or lobby area to do so.Your encouragement and support is always welcome, in fact it's encouraged.  But we have incredible coaches in our facility and it is there job to coach.  Please continue to encourage and support your fellow athletes, but leave the coaching to the coaches!Wipe down your equipment after use please.  Post open, we've done a clean of all the equipments, barbells have been scrubbed and oiled, rig, mats, DB's, KB's etc.  Please remember to wipe down all the equipment you use after use in the gym.  The member coming in to use that equipment after you greatly appreciates it as do we!Once again we had a great 5 weeks of the open.  But we're excited to get things back to normal, including our normal Saturday Partner WOD's again!  Class cap is 20 so please make sure you sign in.  Coach Neal looks forward to seeing all of you this coming Saturday! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Back Squat4-4-4-4-4.


For Time:75 Back squats 225/155** Every break is 12/9 cal Row **(Depending on the numbers in class and the number of racks, Front Squat may be an option as well).

Level 2:

185/13512/9 Cal.

Level 1:

135/9510/7 Cal.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

One Spot - Thursday, March 29, 2018


That's a Wrap - Tuesday, March 27, 2018