Medicine Ball- Wednesday, June 19th, 2019


"The clean and jerk and the snatch, the Olympic lifts, present the toughest learning challenge in all of weight training. Absent these lifts, there are no complex movements found in the weight room. By contrast, the average collegiate gymnast has learned hundreds of movements at least as complex, difficult, and nuanced as the clean or snatch. In large part because most weight training is exceedingly simple, learning the Olympic lifts is for too many athletes a shock of frustration and incompetence."Coach Glassman


For those who don't know, CrossFit has 9 Fundamental movements they teach to their level 1 seminar attendees.

The 9 Movements

Air Squat

Front Squat

Overhead Squat

Shoulder Press

Push Press

Push Jerk


Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Medicine Ball Clean

The Medicine Ball Clean is movement 9 of 9

The medicine ball clean looks simple enough right?  Well don’t let it fool you, it’s not easy to do well, especially for those new to fitness..The medicine ball clean is the most complex of the 9 movements and mastering it can pay huge dividends in your fitness & weight lifting.  It is a great training and teaching tool for jump and shrug and hip extension. I'd argue the best way to teach oly lifting is the medball clean and the atlas stone Ground to over shoulder. The combination of those 2 movements will teach you timing and aggressive hip extension.I remember how destroyed everyone was after doing medball cleans as practice in a group for 10 minutes at my level one certification.  The first ‘official’ workout we did at the same level 1. The end of day 1 workout was a 7-minute AMRAP of: 7 push-ups and 7 medball cleans.  Dude…people were a mess.. so I thought today we would lengthen it and add some more difficulty to our gymnastics movements. This will be a different stimulus for the mention WOD above but skill transfer and suffering will be the same.

So how do we set up the medball clean?

  1. Standing somewhere between Sumo Stance and squat stance with ball between your feet laces out.
  2. Bottom position, locked in lumbar (like deadlift) with palms on the outsides of the medball in triangle set up
  3. Knees in line with toes
  4. Shoulders over the ball in set up
  5. Lumbar curve stays maintained
  6. Squat up, rapidly extend hips in the "Jump"
  7. Then shoulder shrug
  8. Pulling under the ball and catching in a squat ball high, no rotation

Laces never move.

If you want to really dig into the med-ball clean and Coach Glassman's breakdown of it check out this journal article": MEDBALL CLEAN 

Now lets get down to the basics and advanced in the same workout!Coach Stouty


Wednesday, June 19th, 2019


Banded Hip Thrusters 10-10-10Single Leg Hip Thrusters 10-10-10Barbell Hip Thrusters 5-5-5Mechanics of the Med-ball Clean

WOD : 25 min Cap

12 Rds12 Medball Cleans 20/1412 Ring Push Ups

Level 2:

10 Rds10 Medball Cleans 20/1410 kb Push Ups

Level 1:

9 Rds9 Medball Cleans9 Push Ups

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Welcome - Thursday, June 20th, 2019


Learn to fail - Tuesday, June 18th, 2019