Top Box - Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Top Box

The Top Box at UG Series is an award that Scott, Paul & I (Jen) created years ago as a way to give back to the affiliates. We know, especially in the early years of UG, that without the support, encouragement and sometimes organization from the affiliate owners and coaches, the communities inside the boxes wouldn't know about our events.So to give back and thank them, the top box was created.Each event / year it's been something different,from lifting platforms, barbells + bumpers, clinics, seminars, gift certificates for organic meat, we've given out many top box awards at the over the 25+ events that UG has done.The Top Box award is given to the affiliate that has the top number of athletes competing + judges or volunteers helping out.While CrossFit Indestri has always been a HUGE part of UG Series, CFI has never received the Top Box. We’ve always had a number of athletes both individual and teams compete and a large number of volunteers.But this year, in 2018 we had both!  Probably a record number of athletes competing and a HUGE support system of volunteers!  The above photo is only about half of the number of CF Indestri members that were competing or helping out this past weekend!  It was incredible to see.To honour that, UG Series award us Top Box, and with that a Concept 2 BikeErg!As part of both the UG Series team + a co-owner of CrossFit Indestri, I just want to thank each and every one of you for the support, not just in 2018 but since UG kicked off in 2012!  Many CFI members have travelled with us to as far away as Montreal to help with events.  It's clear to see that UG means just as much to you as it does to Scott, Paul and I, and repping and being a part of CrossFit Indestri means as much to you as it does to Steph, Stouty and I.So truly, THANK YOU!  We’re proud to have each one of you rep CFI, proud to have you as members of our gym and more importantly our affiliate community/family!Congratulations on Top Box, congratulations on a truly incredible weekend of getting outside your comfort zones and pushing yourself past what you thought your limit's were, and thank you for supporting each other, encoring each other, moving with the technique that we encourage in classes daily, and treating your judge and the volunteers with respect.  Thank you for standing around in the heat, moving equipment, setting up, tearing down, judging, running papers, and everything else you did to help out this past weekend!We're very Proud!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Back Squat7-7-5-5-3.


5 Rds10 Back Squats 225/1557 Burpees.

Level 2:

10 Back Squat 185/1257 Burpees.

Level 1:

7 Back Squats 135/955 Burpees.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


A Ride - Thursday, July 12, 2018


Tuesday, July 10, 2018