‘Twas the night before the 2019 Open announcement - Wednesday, Feb 20th, 2019
Twas the night before the 2019 Open Announcement
Twas the night before the 2019 CrossFit Open announcement, when all through the box, every member was excited and ready to rock.
The barbells, and bumpers are all set to go,
with hopes that this years Open is still an exciting show!
Our Crossfitters are ready, having trained hard all year. From gymnastics to running, Oly lifting and lots of new gear!
Crossfit Indestri is ready for whatever comes next,
19.1 to 19.5, Castro’s still programming, so give us your best!
Be it Thrusters, or Wall Balls, HSPU's or Snatch, our athletes are trained by great coaches, who know where it's at.
We hold our athletes to high standards, quality movement is key. Squat depth, to full lock out, no, no reps you'll see.
With our computer's set and ready, to tune in to the show. We're excited to see what the new changes will bring, we’re all set and ready to go!
On the Eve of the Open, every Crossfitter is guessing.
Will it be Pull Ups, Push Press, DU's or Snatch.
Could it be a Chipper, a Couplet or even a 1 RM.
Whatever is coming, we can be sure of one thing.
We're expecting the open has us heading into a world of pain.
This years announcement will be different. No long pause, or smile, or smirk with Dave Castro not announcing the show.
But, we’re still all set and ready!
3,2.1…. Here we go!
(( If you haven’t get registered at games.crossfit.com ))
Wednesday, Feb 20th, 2019
Focus: Start of strength Cycle
The core philosophy behind our strength cycle revolves around the basic tenets of strength training methods that have stood the test of time. We are not trying to re-invent the wheel, We just want strong athletes with solid foundation.
Multi-Joint Strict Lifts
The bench press, squat, deadlift, and sh. press have been the staples of any strong woman/man's repertoire. Those who ignore these lifts are generally the people who suck at them. If you get good at these, you'll feel much better in all our other stuff, as they have such a huge carryover.
We go Light to start!
While it may seem counter intuitive to take weight off the bar when the goal is to add weight to it, starting lighter allows you more room to progress forward. This is a very hard pill to swallow for most people. They want to start heavy and they want to start now.
This is nothing more than EGO, and nothing will destroy an athlete faster, or for longer, than EGO. SO AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE...... LEAVE THAT SHIT OUTSIDE!
We Progress Slowly
This ties in with starting light, and it keeps athletes who want to get big and strong yesterday from sabotaging their own progress.
People want a program that will add PR's immediately, it doesn't exist, not with sustainable numbers. We will take our time and stick with the numbers.
This program is going to allow us to break "rep records" and not focus so much on "one-rep max." Most people live and die by their one-rep max. To me, this is foolish and short sighted. One rep is a place to establish a base line and then eventually come back to re-establish but it is not the end all be all of strength.
If your squat goes from 225 x 6 to 225 x 9, you've gotten stronger! So lets get stronger! - Stouty
Sh. Press 3x5
5 @ 65%
5 @ 75%
5+ @ 85%
superset each rep with 5 Strict Pull ups no weight.
12 Min AMRAP
15 Push Press 95/65
25 Wall balls
35 Plank hold Db pull through ( thread the needle) 35/20
Level 2:
12 Min AMRAP
15 Push Press 75/55
25 Wall balls
35 Plank hold Db pull through ( thread the needle) 35/20
Level 1:
12 Min AMRAP
10 Push Press 45/35
20 Wall balls
30 Plank hold Db pull through ( thread the needle) light
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice
Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD
Contact us:
Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone: (705) 444-0006
Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri