Birthday Jen- Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Do you know how hard it is to find pictures of Jen? She's like the mom of Indestri that takes all the photos and is never alone in a photo. But I found some.

Happy Birthday JenWhat a Gem!

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

We want to wish Jen a happy birthday.We are doing Squats Friday because of our cycle And I wasn't smart enough to plan better....But I have a special birthday Chipper set up for her today. Most of you know, but if you don't Jen is the lifeline to CrossFit Indestri as an owner she makes sure we get the gear you guys want, the events that make this community what it is, that the bills get paid and people get the care they need when any admin or wellness appointments are booked. She basically is how we survive and stay in business. So if you want to give Jen a birthday gift? Say thank you for keeping us alive, Sign in for class and hit the workout with her at 9:30 and make sure she wears a vest!Happy birthday Jen!! Couldn't come close to doing any of this without you And if you survive this workout have a great year at 29 right ;)Stouty


Group Warm Up6 min EMOM5 Hang Power Clean & Jerks.


5 Rounds12 Db Snatch 50/3512 Pull ups12 Hang Power Cleans 135/9512 SH2OH12 Bar Facing Burpees39 Sit Ups19 Air Squats79 DU.

Level 2

5 Rounds12 Db Snatch 35/2012 banded Pull ups12 Hang Power Cleans 95/6512 SH2OH12 Bar Facing Burpees39 Sit Ups19 Air Squats79 DU Mix.

Level 1

5 Rounds12 Db Snatch12 jumping Pull ups12 Hang Power Cleans 45/3512 SH2OH12 Burpees39 Sit Ups19 Air Squats79 Single skips

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


12 Days of Christmas - Thursday, December 6th, 2018


Holiday Season Hours - Tuesday, December 4th, 2018