New Years Rush - Wednesday, December 19th, 2018

New Years Rush

It's at this time of a year when we get the question all the time about being ready for the New Years Rush…  Truth be told, we do get some new members in the new year, but it's not the crazy, "new year, new you" rush.

We live in a time where we want everything done ASAP, or sooner!  Emails are just a click away, no one even considers writing a letter, putting a stamp on it and dropping it the mail box.   Now it's even more common to have conversations via text message than over the phone.   And the health + fitness industry is not immune to that either.  People are constantly in search of the quick fixes.  Want to drop weight, take this pill or drink this drink, purchase this program, etc. etc. etc.  

You will never hear us or see us push anything like that!  Why?  Because it's not our focus.  Our focus is not a quick fix, our focus is not even weight loss.  Our focus is your movement.  Getting you to move properly, efficiently, + effectively.  **Disclaimer - More than likely this will result in weight loss ( if that's your goal ).  But what we want to do, is to help you be able to move properly inside the gym, so that you can enjoy + experience an amazing life outside the gym.   Whether it's taking on that half marathon run you've been talking about for years, or climbing that Mountain.  Maybe it's learning how to play that new sport you've been thinking about or to just be able to run around the backyard with your grandchildren.  It might even just be having the comfort of knowing that you're able to get up off the ground if you were to ever fall down!  These things that are may be overlooked a lot of times.  These are the things we think about.  

Hold on, but we're in the fitness industry, shouldn't we be capitalizing on the "new year, new you" rush?   Honestly, it's just not who we are, or what we do.  That's not to shame anyone who has a goal of dropping weight. By all means, if that's a goal of yours, we will help you achieve it.  What we're saying is it's just not our main goal.  Our main goal is to first ensure that you're moving well + feeling accomplished at the end of a workout.  Everything else is an added bonus!

We'll leave you with this!  One of the best posts we've seen in a long time! We recently saw an elite CrossFit Games athlete post on her instagram page, "How to get a beach body?" 
1. Have a body
2. Go the the beach!

Wednesday, December 19th, 2018


1 RM Back squat



For Time:

75 Back Squats 225/155

Every Rack = 25 Kb Swings 32/25

Level 2:

back Squats 185/125 
Kb swings 24/16 kbs


Level 1:

60 Back Squats 135/95
20 Kb Swings


Cash Out:

Coaches Choice


Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD


Contact us:

Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5

Phone: (705) 444-0006

Follow us:


Write it down - Thursday, December 20th, 2018


Our Holiday Hours - Tuesday, December 18th, 2018