Tabata - Thursday April 6/17


We saw a Tabata workout last Friday with Air Squats and Deadlifts.  We have another Tabata in store for you today!What is a Tabata workout?Tabata is meant to be high intensity, designed to get your heart rate up in that very hard anaerobic zone for short periods of time.  20 seconds of a very high intensity exercise (ie, sprints) 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds of each movement.How is a Tabata scored?If the first movement is Push Press.  You count the number of reps you do in each round.  Your score is the lowest number of reps.  i.e.) If in round one you do 6, round two you do 6, round three you do 4, round four you do 6, round five you do 5 reps, round six you do 6 reps, round seven you do 4 reps and round 8 you do 7 reps.  Your score at the end is your lowest round.  In this case 4 reps.Tabata's are sneaky, don't go out with guns blazing in the first round or it will catch up with you quickly.  Instead aim for a solid number of reps that you can continue to maintain each round!

Thursday April 6th, 2017


15 minutes 2 find1RM Push Press.

Workout Of the Day:

TabataPush Press 75/55TabataSit-upTabataSDHLP 75/55Tabata Push-Ups .Lvl 2 FitnessTabataPush Press 65/45TabataSit-upTabataSDHLP 65/45Tabata Push-Ups.Lvl 1 TechniqueTabataPush Press 45/35TabataSit-upTabataKB Swing American 16/12Tabata Push-Ups.Lvl 4 Competitor: TabataPush Press 95/65TabataSit-upTabataSDHLP 95/65Tabata Push-Ups.

Cash Out:

Mobility.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Everyone Moves - Friday April 7/17


CrossFit Total - Wednesday April 5/17