Riding Coast to Coast - Wed Mar 15/17

Riding Coast to Coast

Incase you haven't seen Rich in the gym on his bike and trainer or didn't see the Connection story written by John Edwards, check this out….  We're so proud of Rich!  There's a link at the end of this article please be sure to click on it and donate what you can to Rich's ride.  He has to raise $15,000!

Collingwood man riding coast-to-coast to help kids with cancer

Collingwood Connection

A Collingwood man will be scratching one item off his bucket list later this year and in doing so, will be helping kids with cancer.

Rich Meesters is participating in the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride, which will see people from across Canada ride from Vancouver to Halifax from Sept. 6-23.

“I kind of put it on my bucket list of things to do,” he said.

Meesters is a rider leader with the Collingwood Cycling Club and has participated in a trek from King City to Collingwood.

“I’ve been riding in the hero ride, which is an annual ride from King City to Collingwood every year for the same cause,” he said.

Money goes to support pediatric oncology and help some of the more the 1,400 kids who are diagnosed with cancer each year and the more than 10,000 living with cancer.

Meesters said he also has a connection to the cause, as his nephew was diagnosed with cancer at a young age.

“My nephew, when he was three, was diagnosed with stage four Neuroblastoma and he’s a survivor,” he said.  “He was over a year in hospital, numerous surgeries. I have an appreciation from that how tough it is on the kids.”

Meesters is part of a group who will be tasked with cycling 2,800 km of the more than 6,800 km ride.

“We dip our wheels in the Pacific Ocean and ride to Halifax and dip our wheels in the Atlantic Ocean,” he said.

Meesters said he’s stepping up his training efforts in preparation for the ride. He said during the winter he normally stays active through CrossFit and skiing, but he’s been on his stationary bike more lately.

“This year because of the ride, I’ve started my training regiment on the bike a lot sooner,” he said. “Trying to get as many miles in as I can. Because 18 straight days of 150-160 kms per day is going to be quite a challenge.”

Meesters is looking to raise $15,000 for the event. You can donate by visiting https://bit.ly/SNKCR2017

Wednesday March 15th, 2017


Front Squats10 min EMOMTempo 4-3-1.

Workout Of the Day:

20 MIN AMRAP10 Chest to bar Pull Ups20 Front Squats, 95lbs/65lbs30 Double Unders.Lvl 2 Fitness20 Min AMRAP10 Jumping Chest to bar Pull Ups10 Front  Squats 75/5575 Single Unders.Lvl 1 Technique20 Min AMRAP10 Ring Rows (feet under rings and rings at armpits touching chest)10 Front Box Squats 75/55 ( from rack if needed)50 Single Unders.Lvl 4 Competitor: 20 MIN AMRAP5 Muscle-Ups15 Front Squats, 135lbs/95lbs45 Double Unders.

Cash Out:

.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD

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Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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