The Dreaded 4 letter word ... Fran - Feb 15/17


Well its that time again! Fran has reared her ugly short fire face again and we all read this and feel a little sick to our stomachs.. But its a benchmark and a classic way to gauge where we are progressing and what still needs work. I want you to really think about what is going to give you the desired stimulus of what we expect from a workout like Fran. What we expect is a very fast increase in heart rate and using your Glycolytic energy system, to push you through this workout with very little rest.The benchmark asks for Thrusters and Pull ups but if you are still struggling with thrusters and your pull ups are in the beginning stages then your best option may be empty barbell or goblet squats with a burpee. Now I know you think that is a completley different workout. But i tell you now..., Its not. 


As we have discussed before and will continue to discuss as long as we are the people teaching you, scaling a workout happens for a few reasons:LoadRepetitions and last but very important a movement that achieves the desired stimulus. When we scale a workout like Fran I want you to be moving fast, resting very little and when its over feel that lung burn and and fuzzy vision. This can only be accomplished if we tap out your Phosphagen and Glycolytic energy systems. So that means first thing we think about for scaling is how efficient am I in these movements, can I do them safe, fast and close to unbroken?If the answer is no, then we look at movements you can do that get us the response we want.If the answer is yes, then we look at load or repetition to again achieve the desired stimulus. When we can only do 3 thrusters before we need to rest at the Rx weight then this is not going to get us the desired stimulus so we adjust the load and same thing if we can do thrusters but not for 45 reps then maybe our Fran is 15-12-9.

In conclusion

This will not be the last time we address this and expect to hear your coaches continually address progressions and scaling daily. I am telling you personally we are only thinking of what can you do safe, fast and under 7 mins tomorrow, so if you are scaled do not feel upset & take on the challenge and go full out. Your challenge tomorrow is to discover the true feeling of the dreaded Four letter word Crossfitters around the world talk about all the time.What's your Fran time? 

Wednesday February 15th 2017

Focus: 15 mins

Bench Press3x5 @ 85%.

Workout Of the Day: Bench mark

FRAN - 7 min cap21-15-9Thrusters 95/65Pull Ups.Lvl 2 FitnessThrusters 75/55Banded Pull Ups/Ring Rows.Lvl 1 TechniqueThrusters 45/35Burpees.Lvl 4 Competitor3 min cap.

Cash Out:

Rest recover 10 mins after Fran then HitThe Crucible 1 min max cal assault bike Test. ( if you have done this before then compare your numbers and if not or didnt record your numbers start today!).Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD

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Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Aerobic Capacity Feb 16/17


Valentine - Tues Feb 14/17