Proud of what your body can do - Wed 22/17
Proud of what your body can do!
Here's a great video just put out by the CrossFit HQ Media team! This video does focus on the female side of CrossFit, but it completely applies to both male & female! CrossFit Indestri you don't hear anyone talk about body image. It's about coming in the gym and doing your best everyday. Leaving the gym a better version of yourself, then when you came in. Our goal is creating a healthier you. The fact that with hardwork comes weightloss and muscle definition, that's just an added bonus.Be proud of what your body can do!
Wednesday March 22nd, 2017
OH Squats7x3Building to Perfect But Heavy set of 3.
Workout Of the Day:
21-15-9OH Squats 95/65T2B.Lvl 2 Fitness21-15-9OH Squats 45/35Knee Raises.Lvl 1 Tech21-15-9OH Squats PVC or Front Squat 75/55Lay down Toes to Rack.Lvl 4 Comp21-15-9OH Squats 135/95T2B(Sub 6 mins). Cash Out:4 Laps KB Lunge Walk.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD