It's Spring - Tues 21/17

It's Spring

Yeah!  Looking forward to open weather and getting outside to run!  With spring also comes in the ability to wear your shoes to the gym instead of your winter boots.  Just as a friendly housekeeping reminder, if you are wearing the shoes you train in to the gym, please don't cut across the muddy grass on the way to the door, we try and keep the gym floor as clean as possible, but with some of the class time change over it is harder between classes.Also with spring comes some spring cleaning at the gym.  We have accumulated a lot of shoes in the cubby's which seem to be gathering a lot of dust.  Please check the cubby's to see if any of the shoes are yours.  If you have shoes at the gym that you have forgotten about please take them home, or water bottles which are in a basket in the corner.  Thanks guys!  Looking forward to some nice weather for some outdoor WODs soon!

Tuesday March 21st, 2017


Bench Press3-3-2-2-23 sec pause at bottom of lift (stay engaged).

Workout Of the Day:

20 Min EMOM5 Bench Press AHAP1 Length  Bear Crawl Sled Drag AHAP.Lvl 2 Fitness20 Min EMOM5 Bench Press AHAP1 length Bear Crawl with sand bag.Lvl 1 Technique20 Min EMOM5 Bench Press AHAP1 length Bear Crawl.Lvl 4 Competitor: 20 Min EMOM5 Bench Press AHAP1 Length  Bear Crawl Sled Drag AHAP, backwards run drag back.

Cash Out:

3-5rds10 Single Arm DB Rows (each arm)10 Single Arm DB Curls (each arm)1 length Handstand walk or 45 sec hold.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

Proud of what your body can do - Wed 22/17


Final Week - Mon 20/17