AED - Wednesday May 10/17
Read an article yesterday in Men's Journal that they did with Trainer and fellow CrossFitter Bob Harper. (Best known for his coaching on the Biggest Loser). For those that may not know a few months ago Bob suffered a heart attack while doing a hero WOD at Brick CrossFit in New York.He credits the fact that he is alive today to Brick CrossFit having an AED in the facility. You can read his whole article here….'s no secret that we had our own scare at CFI, and thanks to 3 truly incredible members who happened to all be in the same class that morning, a then volunteer firefighter (now full-time firefighter), a paramedic and a registered nurse, along the incredible EMS team that came to the call, our's was a happy ending as well.For those of you who may not know, our facility does have an AED, we have for a number of months! The AED is located directly under the front desk computer, clearly visible and easy to grab. All of our staff that are not military, fire, or paramedics have did a CPR training and AED training recertification with Kathy Boose from Training for Life. If any of our members would be interested in such training or recertification we would be happy to put you in touch with Kathy, or if there is a big interest we could also look at holding one at our facility. Click here to check out Kathy's site, Training for Life!Now get ready for the workout, it comes to you via Miranda Oldroyd.
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Warm up & Prep
Workout Of the Day: 30 minutes
10 Rds - EMOM Building Double DT12 Deadlifts9 Hang Power Cleans6 JerksDo 1 round every 3 minutes, increase weight each roundFemale start at 55 & go up 10lb. a rd / Male start at 75 and go up 20lb. a rd.
Lvl 2 Fitness
Start at 35/65 up 10lb every rd..
Lvl 1 Technique: Build to a heavy KB
12 Kb Sumo deadlift9 Kb American Swing6 Kb Thruster.
Lvl 4 Competitor
Cash Out:
800m Med Ball run.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.