Summer Camp - Tuesday May 9th/17
Summer Camp
We're excited to have two weeks of summer camp this coming summer for children age 9-13! The week of July 17th-21st and the week of August 14th-18th. CrossFit Indestri 'fit summer' camp will from 9am until 3pm daily during those weeks. Children will be required to bring a bike, helmet, water bottle, snacks and lunch! *There will also be a day when we will attend the Centennial Pool so children will require a bath suit on that day.Children to not need to be in the CrossFit Kids program, or have parents who attend CrossFit Indestri in order to attend. They can also attend one week only or attend both.For more details or to book a space email or speak with Steph or Jen.
- July 17th-21st, 2017
- August 14th-18th, 2017
- 9am-3pm
- Age 9-13
- Required : bike, helmet, water bottle, snacks, lunch.
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Push Ups ( HSPU, Hand release or Regular)
Workout Of the Day: De-constructed "Nate"
Scale accordingly to hold the tempo of completing work in 90 secs..19:30 minutes EMOM (Every 90 secs)Complete the following:2 Muscle Ups4 HSPU8 KB Swings 24/16.Lvl 2 Fitness2 C2B4 HSPU Progression8 KB Swings 20/12.Lvl 1 Technique2 Pull Up Progression4 Hand release 0r Regular Push up6 KB Swing.Lvl 4 CompetitorComplete Rx in the designated time frame without subs for movements.(13 rounds of "Nate" Rx).
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.
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