Happy Halloween - Tuesday, Oct 31st/17
Happy Halloween
We hope everyone has a SPOOKtatcular Halloween! We encourage you to get in to the Halloween spirit and pull together a BOOtiful costume and get dressed up for your WOD tomorrow!!
((Reminder to sign in for classes! If you've forgotten your password please let us know and we can reset. Many of the classes are getting busier, it's important that you sign in for class!))
Tuesday October 31, 2017
10 Min CapEach Partner completes 3 rds ( 6 total)10 wall balls 20/1410 Burpee Box jumps 20/24.
Workout Of the Day:
on a 30 min clock10 Mins to Row 1000mWith remaining timeMax Rep Wall Balls ( split as needed).10 Mins to Row 1000mwith remaining time find max rep partner passing medball sit ups 20/24.10 mins to Row 1000mwith remaining time find max alt box jumps 20 inch.
Cash Out:
.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.