Tuesday - Scalability
Benchmarks & Scaling
"Scale ROM to keep the athlete within their safe ROM for the workout. Modify movement ROM at the starting position (raising deadlift) and/or the finishing position (stopping kettle- bell swing at eye level). Scaling may include objects to act as tactile cues in some cases (butt target for squat)"
Everything is scalable...
At Indestri there have been benchmarks we avoided as they were very difficult movements and typically not the easiest to scale... But if you understand the stimulus.. then you can hit any metcon and get the desired affect no matter what the skill level is. This is why we introduced the level system as it allows you to see a path to progression as well a path to accomplish what you desire from your CrossFit journey. Some people just wanna sweat... and we will make sure that happens and we will still teach you new skills along the way but your progression rate may be a bit slower then the average and we want to allow this progression to happen at your own comfort level. Others want to push towards Rx movements and we do not want to hold that back by not offering complex movements for you to try in workouts. This is the magic of scaling. How do we make ring rows and Dips compare to Muscle ups? Its all in the progression work and rep count. Look at today's Benchmark "Amanda" and you will see a few different options and if done in the right time frame and speed anyone of these levels will give you a great sprint wod.Expect to see us go after these wods and all the other benchmarks from here on out :)Scaling is your friend and there is no shame in doing it! lets move well, with purpose and safe.See you at the white board...Stouty
Tuesday May 2, 2017
Muscle Up / Pull Up progressionEMOM 6 minutes3 Strict Pull Ups2 Chest 2 Bar1 MUAs always we have the best in the biz to help you scale accordingly
Workout Of the Day: "Benchmark"
"AMANDA"9-7-5Muscle UpsSquat Snatch 135/95.Lvl 2 Fitness9-7-5MU 0r 1 rep = 1 Pull Up & 1 dipSquat snatch 95/65 .Lvl 1 Technique12Muscle Up Transitions9 Hang Squat/power Snatches 75/559 MU transitions7 Hang Squat/power Snatches 75/556 Muscle Up Transitions5 Hang Squat/power Snatches 75/55.Lvl 4 Competitor.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.