CrossFit Do's and Don'ts - Tuesday, Sept 5th/17
Do's and Don'ts
Unbeknownst to you, you may be falling into some of the most common CrossFit don'ts. Most of us have all been guilty of it at one time or another, whether we even realize it or not.
CrossFit Don'ts
Whining/Discouraging Self Talk-
Sometimes we may not even know we're doing it. But whining or using discouraging self talk can drag down the entire class, not to mention setting yourself up to fail. We get that everyone has an off day, but try and find the positive and project that.
Talking While The Coach Is Reviewing The Movement-
We understand that CrossFit is where you come to blow off steam. But for your coaches, it is their actual job. So if you’re talking, or getting out equipment, while they are reviewing the movements, it’s making their job really difficult. Experienced members are more likely to do this since they don’t need the movement review as much as a rookie does, but it’s distracting to both the newbie and the coach. We appreciate that part of CrossFit is having a great time and being social with other members, but please make sure it’s not when your coach is instructing.
Coaching Other Members-
Unless a coach has purposely asked you to assist them in demonstrating for other members, please try not to. We know members do this with the absolute best intention, but sometimes, it interferes with our plans as coaches. For instance, you may see an error in another member’s technique that we are already aware of but have decided not to fix just yet because that error might be secondary to another more important error that we want the athlete to focus on. When you give the athlete more cues than we wanted to give, it confuses the athlete. Even thou you may feel you know the right answer. Our coaches are highly certified and well practiced, there's a difference between doing CrossFit and teaching it. Please let the coach do the coaching, but feel free to ask questions. Pull your coach aside and say, “I noticed Joe was doing blank.” A good coach will be happy to use the opportunity to explain their reasoning and help you expand your knowledge.
Warm up with weight on the bar-
The focus work calls for 5x3 back squats, you go grab your bar, throw 15's or 25's on it and warm up with a set of 5 reps. Just keeping in light for the warm up set, after all, your 1RM back squat is 80% - 90% heavier than that.If powerlifter Jesse Burdick who has over a 700lb back squat, warms up with an empty bar every time than so can we. We know you're eager to get started, but the empty bar warm up set is movement prep.
Being Overly Competitive-
Please push yourself, challenge yourself, and compete with yourself every day. But if someone beats you in a WOD, be humble and happy for them that they performed well that day. When members become overly competitive with one another, it’s toxic for the box. It's perfectly fine to have some friendly competition between each other, but please make sure it doesn't get taken the wrong way. We want to get better together and we are all responsible for setting a positive tone at the box.
Letting Your Ego Rule-
Leave your ego at the door, is a term almost every CF affiliate uses. We want you to walk into the gym everyday with an open mind. A lot of times the magic happens when we leave our ego, listen to our coach, do the work, and understand that everyday isn't game day. We're going to have off days, and that's ok!
Being Excessively Late-
Sometimes you can’t help it, and with the noon class we give a 5 min grace period as we know most are rushing from work on their lunch hour. But whenever it can be helped, please be on time.
Leaving Your Equipment Out/Wiping down your Equipment-
This is self explanatory, but please clean up after yourself. Most people do, but it’s worth mentioning.
CrossFit Do's
On the flip side, there are so many amazing things you do all the time, please keep doing them!1. Welcoming new people in classes.2. Cheering on and encouraging other members when you finish your workout.3. Have Fun.4. Saying thank you to your coaches (They're truly passionate about coaching you, and it's greatly appreciated!)5. Giving your best effort.6. Staying after or getting in early to mobilize and setting that example for others.7. Supporting your community.8. Being all around great people who brighten our day!
Strong Body | Strong Mind | Positive Vibes
Tuesday September 5, 2017
Stone Dead Lifts5 min EMOM3 Dead Lifts (final set AHAP).
Workout Of the Day:
3RFT800m Run80m Low stone/keg carry @ AHAP ( Fence to Door)40 Air Squats.
Lvl 2 Fitness
3RFT800m Run - 400m - 800m80m Low stone/keg carry ( Fence to Door)40 Air Squats.
Lvl 1 Technique:
3RFT400m Run80m Low stone/keg carry ( Fence to Door)40 Air Squats to ball.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.