Thursday May 18/17

Running @ Indestri

We are into our running season and unless you have a real injury that stops you from running.. We expect you to run, jog or walk. We will scale the distances and we will scale your time but if you are not out running you are missing a great opportunity that we only have a short time to accomplish. Expect to see running at least one a week :) This week you get it a few times. After all those mile runs Monday I thought you would enjoy reading this blurb with Chris Hinshaw talking about capacity and building a bigger engine.

Chris Hinshaw: How to Build a Bigger Engine for Crossfit

Chris Hinshaw is THE Endurance coach for the Crossfit community. He works with athletes such as Mat Fraser, Katrin Davidsdottir, Rich Froning and Camille Leblanc-Bazinet amongst many others. Find out how he can help you improve your aerobic capacity.

Chris Hinshaw is a former All American swimmer and an experienced professional triathlete with top international finishes including a 2nd place overall finish at the Hawaiian Ironman World Championships, 2-time member of Team USA at the Hawaiian Ironman, 2nd place overall finish at the Ironman World Championships in Canada, and a 1st place overall finish at Ironman Brazil.

Chris hinshaw coachin camille and katrin crossfit games

Working with numerous Crossfitters, from the top pros through to everyday athletes, Chris designs his programming and workouts around the following elements of endurance:

  • Aerobic Threshold: Steady workouts at a moderate intensity to develop fuel efficiency (burn fat), muscular skeleton system, and aerobic endurance.
  • Lactate Threshold: Higher volume workouts with longer distance intervals at higher “threshold” intensities with less rest between reps and/or sets.
  • VO2 Max: Lower volume workouts, shorter distance intervals at higher intensities, and more rest between reps and/or sets.
  • Speed Endurance: Very low volume workouts with interval distances less than 60sec. Extremely high intensities. Used to recruit fast twitch fibres and force them to develop endurance. Full recovery between reps and/or sets.
  • Strength Endurance: Low volume workouts with high intensity intervals that include various explosive movements to recruit and develop your fast twitch muscle fibres.
Chris Hinshaw rich froning crossfit running


With running being such an important part of Crossfit and overall fitness in general, pick up a few tips from Chris and improve your knowledge, training and athletic ability. Here is an example of one of his workouts with Camille LeBlanc Bazinet:

HOP SCOTCH (test Aerobic Threshold)

  • 200m run at easy pace
  • 100m sprint
  • 400m run at easy pace
  • 100m sprint
  • 600m run at easy pace
  • 100m sprint
  • 800m run at easy pace
  • 100m sprint
  • 1000m run at easy pace
  • 100m sprint
  • 800m run at easy pace
  • 100m sprint
  • 600m run at easy pace
  • 100m sprint
  • 400m run at easy pace
  • 100m sprint
  • 200m run at easy pace
  • 100m sprint
  • Total: 5900m

Workout Details:

This is a continuous (non-stop) workout. Your rest is the easy pace interval. Each athlete picks their ‘easy pace’ which can be be a moderate intensity or a fast walk or anything in-between.

Workout Focus:

All your attention is the on the 100m sprints. This workout has a total of 9 of these 100m sprints. Focus on your form. Your intensity should not be 100% max effort. Back off on your intensity (97-98%) to retain your form

Chris Hinshaw and Katrin Davidsdottir running

Running is not going a way and it as functional of an exercise as it gets.Reminder Indestri has a track night Wednesdays at CCI and its free for anyone wanting to Run.Heres Thursdays Workout! Stouty

Thursday May 18, 2017


Front Squat4x4 @ 80%


Workout Of the Day:

4 RFT4 Front Squat @ 185/135 ( From Floor)200m Run20 Burpees over bar.Lvl 2 Fitness4 RFT4 Front Squat @ 155/105 ( from Rack )200m Run20 Burpees over bar.Lvl 1 Technique4 RFT4 Front Squat @ 115/85200m Run20 Burpees.Lvl 1 Technique4 RFT4 Front Squat @ 225/155 (from Floor)200m Run20 Bar Facing Burpees.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

Atlas Stones - Friday May 19/17


JY Pi 3.14 - Wednesday May 17th/17