Interesting Twist - Thursday, March 22, 2018
Interesting Twist
This morning Dave Castro announced that we "The CrossFit Community" will get to select the workout for 18.5. Tomorrow night at 6pm est he will announce live on FB 3 workouts and we will get a chance to vote on which workout 18.5 will be….. This is a first for the open, but Castro has done this before. In 2015 he let us vote on twitter for one of the CrossFit Games workouts Double DT or Heavy DT. Then the following year in 2016 the games athlete did the other one…. So, what will our choices be, and will it really be that cut and dry?I (Jen) woke up on Tuesday morning convinced that 18.5 would be Karen - Isabel - Fran. You would have to do Karen in sub 7mins, if you did that, then you move on to Isabel in sub 12 mins, if that is completed you would move on to Fran in sub 15mins (total time on the clock). My thought was that the final workout is being completed by 3 Dottir's, and well the "Girls - benchmarks" are really the 'daughters' of CrossFit. Plus we have done a version for them in someway in the open before, so kind of a repeat in the open right!?!Then yesterday Castro posted a photo of himself with two reflections. 3 Castro's - maybe 3 workouts??Today with his announcement, I'm sticking to my thought of Karen - Isabel - Fran. But will we really be voting on just one workout? Or will we be voting on the order in which we do 3 workouts? Castro usually has a twist!!Whatever it is, we're looking forward to celebrating the final workout of the open with you on Saturday. Reminder that we have Boss Supplements, LiveSore and Moonshine Mamas on site.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Strength Day
5-5-5-5-5Back Squat with 2 second pause.Box Step ups with barbell ( Scale dumbbells)8-8-8-8-8Super set with Supine Ring Row4-4-4-4-4.KB Turkish G-Up3x3 ( L/R)
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.