Snow Days - Thursday, Jan 24th, 2019
Snow Days
One thing we've always struggled with and gone back and forth on, is when to cancel our teen + pre-teen classes because of Snow Days. One of the problems we have is notifying all the kids on passes, as not all kids come to every class, every week. We usually do a pretty good job of posting on our social media channels. But when schools call it a snow day, it's for good reason, and we usually don't have many kids come out, due to the roads + weather. However we still go back and forth on, should class run, should it be cancelled, as we try to avoid cancelling classes.
However, moving forward for the Varsity Teen + Pre-Teen classes, if it's a snow day in our area and buses are cancelled, the Varsity + Pre-Teen classes are cancelled as well.
For adult classes, if the weather ever gets to the point that a class needs to be cancelled, it will be posted on our social media, as well as on Zenplanner! Anyone who is already signed in for the class on zenplanner will be sent an email. ((One of the other reasons it's important to sign in for class!)) It's very rare that the weather causes adult classes to be cancelled, but it has happened.
Thursday, Jan 24th, 2019
EMOM x 10
Odd minute: 2 lengths awkward object belly carry
Even minute: 4 G2Sh awkward object
Rope climb technique drills
4 Rds of
4 G2SH awkward object
2 length Carry
1 legless Rope climb
4 awkward object squats
Level 2:
Scale with regular rope climbs
Level 1:
Use foot wrap or lay to stand
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice
Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD
Contact us:
Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone: (705) 444-0006
Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri