Class Change - Thursday, Feb 7th, 2019

Class Change

As you may have seen on our Instagram story yesterday, we’re testing out a change to the Saturday schedule. We’ve been tracking Saturday classes for the past 6 weeks, having two classes on Saturdays has become necessary due to the size of the class.

This Saturday the Partner WOD will be from 8:30am until 9:30am followed by a new class which we’re excited to introduce! From 9:30am until 10:30am will be a Team WOD.

The Team WOD could be teams of 2, 3, 4 or even more. Depending on the class size and what the workout is. Sometimes the Team WOD will be the exact same as the Partner WOD before, just in team format, sometimes it may be a completely different workout.

Please note; signing in for class ahead of time is mandatory!

We’re excited to see how the new schedule works out. Having a second class on Saturday’s enables 20 more athletes to be able to get their fitness on, on Saturday mornings. It also ensures enough space + equipment for everyone. If the 8:30am class is capped out, you will need to wait until the 9:30am Team WOD to train.

We hope everyone is as excited about the new schedule + the new team WOD class as we are. Both classes have been updated and are in zenplanner now, for you to sign in for. Join Coach Steph this Saturday for all the fun!

Thursday, Feb 7th, 2019

Focus: Aerobic Capacity

Group warm Up:

Then 40 mins

5 Min Easy Pace Row
5x 50sec Ski or bike ME sprint with 10 sec rest btwn
or 35 sec assault bike

5 Min Easy Pace Row
5 x 40 sec Ski Bike ME sprint with 20 sec rest btwn
25 Sec Assault bike

5 Min Medium Pace Row
5x 30sec sprint ME with 30 sec rest btwn
20 Sec Assault bike

5 min Med to Hard Row
5x20 sec sprint ME with 40 sec rest between
15 sec Assault


Cash Out:
Coaches Choice


Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD


Contact us:

Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5

Phone: (705) 444-0006

Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Be Prepared- Friday, Feb 8th, 2019


Varsity + Pre-Teen - Wednesday, Feb 6th, 2019