Be Prepared- Friday, Feb 8th, 2019
What a week,
Strict Pull ups, Db single arm movements, Squats, Box jumps overs, lateral Hops, Burpees, Muscle Ups, Snatches, OH Squats, Oly Lifts with 1 RM's, More burpees, Dead Lifts, wall balls, Rowing, Ski erg, Assault Bikes, Bike ergs.... Coupled into AMRAPS, EMOMS, For Time and Intervals...
So what next? We worked out for 40 minutes, 8 mins, 20 minutes, 16 and 4 mins.. There are a few time frames missing, if we are looking to cover all styles.. So what about the sprints? what about the strong man or the Power Lifts? do we need all of them every week?
Quick answer: NO
Why? Because we don't look at your training day by day or week by week. We look long term and we have certain goals set up and different cycles for you to work through. To you it may look like random workouts with no real objective but to make you sweat. That's great, because CrossFit is designed to be Random , Unpredictable..
CrossFit is:
So if everyday you are guessing at whats coming we are doing our job, if everyday you are challenged with a task that may be outside your comfort zone or exactly what you hoped for... Then we are doing our job. CrossFit is meant to make you ready for any physical task you encounter and not to be a specialist but to be generally prepared for everything life can throw at you.
Why does this matter? because what we do in a CrossFit gym, relates to what we do in life. If we quit in the gym or cheat the reps, we will do the same when life gets tough. If we always stay in routine in life, we get complacent or we stop paying attention to details. So when something uncomfortable happens outside of our cozy routine we want to know you are equipped to handle it and not have a breakdown that results in uncompleted tasks or embarrassing situations. How we conduct ourselves in moments of despair or extreme fatigue are going to show up in a workout and in life. So lets be sure we are ready for it and not planning for "Leg Day" on Wednesday then get smashed by squats on Friday. The same as planning to drive to work on Wednesday but your car breaks down and now you gotta hike through the snow and Ice. If you feel like you are prepared for anything and you expect the unexpected... then CrossFit is working for you. If you are just starting then keep this in mind when you train and ask.. is it working for me?
In the long run we will handle what training you need and all we ask in return is you Try hard, show up consistently, set your ego aside, scale when needed (or told) trust the process and never get comfortable because as soon as you think you know what we are doing we will change the system.
Stay alert Indestri... something new is always waiting for you in the Box and outside.
- Stouty
So whats up for today?
Friday, Feb 8th, 2019
Warm Up & Movement Prep
WOD : 24 mins
6x2 min AMRAP with 2 Min Rest
1. 2 Min AMRAP
10 Med ball cleans 20/14
30 DU
2. 2 Min AMRAP
10 T2B
30 Plank Plate hand Taps ( 45 plate)
3. 2 Min AMRAP
10 C2B
30 Mountain Climbers
4. 2 Min AMRAP
10 KB Swings 32/24
30 Air squats
5. 2 Min AMRAP
10/7 Cal assault bike
2 Lengths Sled Sprint 90/50
6. 2 Min AMRAP
10 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Db Push press 35/20
We will scale weight and reps where needed
Cash Out:
Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD
Contact us:
Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone: (705) 444-0006
Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri