On The 1st day of CrossFit… Thursday December 7, 2017
12 Days of CrossFit WOD Start
The 12 day of CrossFit Workout has started.. This year we release 1 movement of the WOD each weekday until we do the workout! For those of you new to the gym and have never experienced this workout, you must try it out. 12 weekdays from now we will do the 12 days of CrossFit WOD. The WOD is performed like the Song 12 Days of Christmas. It's a 12 movement chipper, so the reps will go like this..12, 13, 2, 14, 3, 2, 15, 4, 3, 2, 1... all the way to 12
This year It will Start with:
On the first Day of CrossFit our coaches gave to me...1 HSPU
The Handstand Push-Up
As most of you may of noticed, we are very slow in letting you kick up to the wall and try standing on your head upside down.Why?Because No coach likes to see someone kick up to a wall and then collapse.Before an athlete attempts a handstand push-up, it is imperative that he or she has crossed off all elements of this progression:
- Triceps push-up.
- Bear-crawl (or pike) handstand push-up on floor.
- Scaled handstand with feet on box.
- Handstand on wall via wall walk.
- Strict press overhead with barbell and DB
Why go through this short laundry list?Answer: Safety and strength development!Once you have established that an athlete can safely hold a handstand position, he or she can work through the progression that leads to a strict handstand push-up. As with other movements in gymnastics, I recommend athletes perform the strict movement before they kip. The progression of building strength in the strict form is important for several reasons:
- The athlete will be able to control the descent to the floor and keep the neck and spine safe.
- The athlete will have the strength to create an active bottom position that puts less weight on the head, and his or her spine will say “thank you.”
- The athlete will be able to knock out more kipping handstand push-ups with a foundation of strict strength.
No Matter what you are learning in CrossFit.. One thing always stay the same:
Have Patience!
Whether you are building strength in the strict form or learning a kipping handstand push-up after acquiring the appropriate strength, remember that gymnastics is a process. Think of building mechanics, consistency and then intensity as we are taught in CrossFit methodology, and be patient. Gymnastics is a long game in which patience is rewarded.
Also watch our instagram story. Beginning tomorrow we will be sharing 12 days of Christmas Gift Ideas for all the CrossFit and Fitness enthusiasts in your life!
Thursday December 7, 2017
Sh. Press3x5(add 5lbs to 1RM)65%-75%-85%.
Ladder 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1KB Swing 32/24HSPU
Level 2:
KBS 24/16Pike Push up.
Level 1:
20/12Push up.
Level 4:
KBS 32/28Def 4" HSPU.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.