"Stoner Elizabeth" Friday December 8, 2017
Reminder First….
Reminder that tonight is our annual CrossFit Indestri Holiday Party beginning at 7pm at the Blue Mountain Golf & Country Club. There are a few tickets remaining please purchase at the front desk before 4pm, and also a friendly reminder that the gym will be closed as of 5:30pm Friday. No 5:30 or 6:30pm classes due to the party. Classes will resume normal schedule the following week. We look forward to celebrating another incredible year of fitness, friendship and fun with everyone on Friday Evening.
On the second Day of CrossFit our coaches gave to me...
The ATLAS STONE: CrossFit Strongman
At CrossFit Indestri...
We are known to get down and dirty with strongman equipment, we have many coaches with the CrossFit Strongman certification and we do it because everything in life doesn't have a handle or isn't shaped like a barbell. So we preach functional fitness and picking up heavy shit that is awkwardly shaped with no handles.. that's a given "must learn" type of movement. So outside we have Giant tires and big stones, inside we have axel bars, sleds, snadbags, sledge hammers, kegs, and farmer carry bars. These tools help us train those awkward strongman movements. Today we are looking at the Ground to shoulder ( G2SH) Atlas stone or D-ball (newly purchased for you.... our favorite test subjects)Check this Video out for explanation from CrossFit's Strongman Creator Rob Orlando Check this Video: if it doesn't show up click this link to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vu6DX8txr4[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vu6DX8txr4[/embed]
Merry Christmas CrossFit IndestriThe new toys have arrived!!
Friday December 8, 2017
Deadlift3x5add 10lbs to 1RM65%-75%-85%.
WOD: Stoner Elizabeth
21-15-9Atlas Stones G2Sh 95/65Ring Dips.
Level 2:
21-15-9Atlas StoneBanded Dips.
Level 1:
21-15-9D-ballBox Dips.
Level 4:
"Totally Stoned"21-15-9Heavy StonesStrict dips.
Cash Out:
.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.