Stress - Thursday, August 1st, 2019


We all have it.  Life is full of many different stresses. Have you heard of your adrenals?  Do you know what they do?Adrenals are what handle our stress in our body.  Physical + emotional.  Too much stress, our adrenals get taxed out.  Ever feel exhausted all day, then 6pm rolls around and your wired with a second wind + ready to go?  Have trouble waking up in the morning?  Ever feel anxious or overly emotional for no reason?  The list goes on, many of these things relate to your adrenals!I (Jen) have had taxed or disfunctioning adrenals on a few occasions in my life.  Probably more, but at least a few times when it knocked me back enough to have to step up + deal with it.  The first was a few years after my father passed away.  I had my oldest daughter Emma in August of 2003 + just 5 week later my father died of cancer.  Physically growing a human, probably the most physical stress your body goes through, emotionally having a parent die, one of the most emotionally stressful things your body can go through.  After a few years it took its toll + I started working with my ND Dr. Shelby Worts at Stonetree to feel like myself again.In 2017 I went through a period of a few weeks where my adrenals were taxed again.  I did an ample amount of research + came across Emily Schromm. I already knew who Emily was, we have a few mutual friends.  But I bought her adrenal program, watched all her videos, + was lucky enough to get some time chatting with her on the phone.I would still love to get Emily here to CFI to do one of her adrenals chats, as I think many of us, probably all of us could use it!The discussion to share this blog tonight came when I was just watching Emily’s story on Instagram + saw her new video!   Emily is the real deal!  She works on adrenals, because she herself had disfunctioning adrenals.Check it out.  She has lots of other videos on her YouTube page about adrenals.  If you would ever like to discuss more on your adrenals, I am always happy to share my story!  I’m not special, we all have stress, it’s just that sometimes our stresses are on going, + take a toll on our adrenals that cause us to have to step back + deal.Stress is not something that should be ignored!  We need to deal with our stresses, figure out how to distress.  For many of us, training helps!

Thursday, August 1st, 2019


Mobility & Dynamic Run Warm Up


FOR TIME:400m sprintRest 2 minutes800m sprintRest 3 minutes1200m sprintRest 3 minutes800m sprintRest 2 minutes400m sprint

Level 1&2

FOR TIME:200m sprintRest 2 minutes400m sprintRest 3 minutes800m sprintRest 3 minutes400m sprintRest 2 minutes200m sprin 

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


- Friday, August 2nd, 2019


To Fit to Quit - Wednesday, July 31st, 2019