Gym Hygiene - Thursday, August 16th, 2018

Gym Hygiene

We train hard.  With training hard, we sweat.  This is an absolute, universal fact.  Bonds are forged in the magical moisture that covers our bodies, equipment and the floor, proving that you were here and that you were working hard.Let's talk about gym hygiene….It's summer, it's hot and in most cases, you're a sweaty mess at the end of a workout.  You may have also been doing pull ups, maybe used a barbell or dumb bells, etc…  Clean it off!  Please!!  No one wants to use equipment that you've caked chalk on, sweat all over, etc.  We don't expect you to clean your sweat angels off the floor, we do mop the floor (it's so much more fun with the bubblegum scented cleaner!)  But we do expect you to clean off everything else you sweat all over, bike handles, pull up rig, barbells, etc…   Not only can be gross, esp. if you tear your hands, it's just good hygiene, and common courtesy for your fellow members.Gym hygiene also extends from cleaning up after yourself, to your own hygiene, both your odour a-la sweat, and your odour a-la perfume….  Yes, either one could be found to be offensive to your fellow members.  Lack of deodorant, can be just as offensive as too much perfume in a gym setting.   Let's chat about both.We're a perfume free facility for the most part.  What we mean by this, is please don't hit the showers, then grab your bottle of perfume or cologne and douse yourself in it.  The smell lingers in the gym, and in some cases people are allergic to scents.  As much as you love the smell, others might not.On the flip side of that is a lack of deodorant or so it might seem....  Gym bags, gym clothes and gym shoes, can sometimes get pretty stinky.  Knee sleeves are probably the worst offender in most gym bags.  Like we said above, we train hard and sweat is a by-product of that training.  We're also much more educated these days about the products we put on our bodies, and a lot of us try to go with a more natural deodorant or laundry detergent, which we're absolutely all for.  But just please keep in mind that some experimenting might need to be done with that, the deodorant that keeps you fresh all day at the office, but not do the same for the intensity you give during a WOD.  Our body odours might be offensive to those training with us.  Have you ever been laying in a sweaty mess on the floor right after a workout and wondered what the heck that smell was, only to release that its you?  We can guarantee that if you're wondering, so is the person training beside you!Gym hygiene isn't the most fun subject to write about.  Whether is your gym equipment hygiene or your hygiene, it's just a fact that comes with training hard, so please just keep gym hygiene in mind…..   Oh, and we're always looking for a good way to rid the scents for our knee sleeves, so if you have found one, please do share with the rest of us…. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018


10 min EMOMStrict Pull up 1 - 5 repsorKipping Pull ups 1 - 10 repsorMuscle ups 1 - 5 reps.


5 Min AMRAP5 Bar Muscle Ups5 Burpee High Box Jump over 30/24.

Level 2:

5 Min AMRAP5 Jumping Bar Muscle Ups5 Burpee  Box Jump over 24/20.

Level 1:

5 Min AMRAP5 Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull Ups5 Box dips5 Burpee  Box Step up & over 24/20.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


Freestyle - Friday, August 17th, 2018


Your Gear - Wednesday, August 15th, 2018