Everyone Moves - Friday April 7/17

We All have One Thing in Common

What is that one thing you ask?

Everyone Moves:

In some way or another..Everyone moves. We may all do it different but motion and the ability to get around ensures us one common factor. Every living person on earth moves(Hey guys haven't had a chance to write you in a bit so this could get long lol - Stouty)At CrossFit Indestri When we look at programming and how each day leads into another, the first thing I think of is functional movement and what is going to give you the exercise you need but make sure it helps you in your everyday life as well. I spend more time than you can imagine reading, listening to other coaches and specialists talk about movement in some form or another. Whether it be Strongman, Weight lifting, Endurance, Yoga, Parkour, Basic Strength & conditioning or gymnastics. Every discipline has its benefits and downfalls and depending on your desired result you will lean to one more then another.

Insert Crossfit

The beauty of CrossFit is it tries to make you good at all of these things but not really great at any of them. Its the general prepared fitness model that attracts so many of us through the door each day, and its the variety and community that keeps us there. Its not a miracle cure for being out of shape and we will not tell you that you just need to drink this potion and you will be fit or lose weight.. but we will tell you if you show up a few times a week and you put in the work, listen to the coach, check your ego and respect the movements... You will increase your health and wellness and your overall fitness will increase. It's not magic, it just hard work in a place where you can feel safe and not be judged..

As a Coach:

I have been privileged to be mentored and trained for 25 years by some of the best coaches in Canada and NCAA Sport, and I truly try to make sure you receive all of that insight I have been given back to you. I also get to work with our Indestri coaches who influence every decision we make when addressing your fitness.Fortunately and honestly humbled, I am really lucky to have influence and direction by 2 amazing coaches (Brian Mackenzie see his info here) (Carl Paoli see his info here) in my life and I reach out anytime I need clarity, to them to help me grow as a Coach and as a Programmer. I make a shit load of mistakes, but every-time I do.. I learn from them and don't repeat them and try to pass that along. I am human and by no part the best, but this is why we continue to develop our skills. It is mentors and fellow Indestri coaches that allows / aids me to make sure everyone moves with in their ability but just outside their comfort zone :).Some people confuse these 2 ( Coaching & Programming) disciplines and you need to understand this...They are not the same thing..


Is instructing and managing the athletes movement and intensity, Everyone needs a coach ( Even the best coaches) and if you don't have one your missing the development and feedback you need to get better. You can be the most disciplined athlete but you wont catch all your faults and you will not push yourself to the place you need to go with out a coach. ( I know some are still reading thinking.. well I'm the exception.-- My answer: No your not)I have been to the top and seen the view from the mountain which included many gold medals, accolades and awards.. and not a chance I get there without a coach giving me instruction and discipline to understand where I fail and where I need to get better. It will never work, you will be good sure and thats cool, but you will develop bad habits you don't see or catch and .... you will never be great. Its not possible. Lucky for you guys.. I think Indestri has the best coaches you can find, each with their own strengths!.


Is not coaching, writing programming consists of understanding movement, exertion, safety and desired stimulus. It is a fact that some of  the greatest programmers in the world can not teach you whats wrong with your snatch (example) but they know that if it is used correctly in the right rep scheme, right intensity and weight along with a great coach you can increase your fitness and  health and become a better athlete. But you need both of these things in your exercise routine.We all have days when we can not make class but still want to get a WOD in, and that is why we have things like open gym. But that is not your answer for long term, at least in my eyes it is not. To be a better mover and a healthier person you need the right combo and that is why I love CrossFit as much as I do, it gives you both everyday..

To leave you with a thought and philosophy from my friend Carl,

"Movement has many basic skills that are fundamental to higher level techniques. If we don't train all realms of movement, then we are stuck in a single realm."

On that note we look at Today's workout and I leave you with this offer sent to us by a supporter of mine:

Strike Movement

A Canadian Owned, all products made in Canada with Canadian Materials-
STR/KE MVMNT is an athletic footwear and apparel brand that merges technical performance with a classic aesthetic. Founded in Vancouver, BC in 2010, we launched our first shoe in 2012, The Interval, designed on a minimalist mid-foot strike cross-trainer platform that allows your foot to move naturally. STR/KE MVMNT has since found a foothold amongst athletes, trainers, and movement enthusiasts alike. The brand celebrates motion and mobility and strives to promote a community of all ages that is healthy, fit and productive. Together we are United By Motion.

They have offered indestri members to use this code to shop online and receive a 20% Discount

Code: indestri_20 at https://strike-mvmnt.ca/





Have Fun! hope I didn't make you crosseyed


“The goal is to get fit, make it the best hour of your day, stay safe, turn up the music, high five some people, and blow off some steam, remember that.  Relax.  Have fun.  Work out.”  –

Friday April 7th, 2017


15 Mins 2 Find1 RM Bench Press.

Workout Of the Day:

3RFT10 Db Snatches Left 55/3510 Db OHS Left 55/3510 Pull Ups10 Db Snatches Right 55/3510 Db OHS Right 55/3510 Pull-Ups.Lvl 2 Fitness3RFT10 Db Snatches Left 35/2010 Db OHS Left 35/2010 Pull Ups Progression10 Db Snatches Right 35/2010 Db OHS Right 35/2010 Pull-Ups Progression.Lvl 1 Technique3RFT10 Db Snatches Left 20/1510 Db OHS Left 20/1510 Ring Rows10 Db Snatches Right 20/1510 Db OHS Right 20/1510 Ring Rows.Lvl 4 Competitor: 3RFT10 Db Snatches Left 55/3510 Db OHS Left 55/3510 Strict Pull Ups10 Db Snatches Right 55/3510 Db OHS Right 55/3510 Strict Pull-Ups.

Cash Out:

100 Sit Ups with Plate 25/15.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

Free Eggs & Bacon with Coach Stouty Saturday April 8/17


Tabata - Thursday April 6/17