Hook Grip - Thursday, April 19, 2018

Yo, Do You Hook Grip Bro?

The hook grip applies greatly when moving heavy weights. The value and emphasis of the hook grip in a CrossFit workout is even more important! When doing 30 clean and jerks for time like “Grace”. If you are using a load appropriate for the stimulus you should be linking several reps together. Its the grip and the forearms that will be the first thing to start to wear down.  The hook grip can be the difference in you holding onto the bar to finish the workout or it slipping from your hands and having to wait to several seconds before picking the bar back up or alternatively finishing with single reps. The Hook Grip is a must!

The hook grip:

has been around forever and for those new or unsure it is a term referring to how you hold onto the barbell for olympic weightlifting when pulling from below the hip. The hook grip is used in order to maximize your grip strength on barbell. The grip lends the stability in your hands so that as the bar builds in weight you can hold onto it! It also helps keep the bar WHERE YOU WANT IT in your hands as it builds speed through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pulling phases.For the snatch and the clean and jerk and any "hang" variation of the two, the hip and leg drive needed for speed and cause the bar to shift slightly in our hands if not slip all the way out. The hook grip allows us to pull with maximal speed with confidence!We know that it doesn't feel to great when you first start using it.. But either did your hamstrings and glutes after we taught you how to squat correctly. But you got over it with some practice and a few frustrating days. And look at you know squatting more weight and doing it more efficiently like a boss :)That is the key word here..

Efficiency allows us to be more intense

In plain terms, The hook grip allows us to do what CrossFit wants us to do, and that is:Do More Work and do it faster and measure it. In order to accomplish this we need to create Power, why?

Power = Intensity = Results

Power: Work done or energy transferred per unit of time; The time rate of doing work.

Power = Force x distancetime

Intensity: Magnitude, as of energy or a force per unit of area, volume, time, etc.

Power = Intensity


Pat Sherwood (if you don't know him.. google that shit, hes a genius) says:

"Intensity, as we define it, is exactly equal to average power (force x distance / time). In other words, how much real work did you do and in what time period? The greater the average power, the greater the intensity. This makes it a measurable fact, not a debatable opinion.

Intensity and average power are the variable most commonly associate with optimizing favorable results. Whatever you want from exercise comes faster with intensity. It’s not volume or duration or heartrate or even discomfort. Do more work in less time (without overdoing it), and you’ll get fitter faster.If you’ve been following the CrossFit site for a while, this isn’t new material. It is, however, the aspect of CrossFit that drives our success as much as any other single factor. And, in all domains, it’s always good to return to the fundamentals on a regular basis."Genius Right? simple but measurable.. CrossFit

Back to why the Hook Grip?

This term is thrown around all over the place in gym's across the world, you hear it but bro/broette.. Do you use it? I know if you do or you don't. I also know that if you don't your capacity to move the barbell is not as good as it could be. Maybe that isn't your end goal and you are ok with it..So in conclusion of one of my usually off topic rambles :) If we can hold onto the barbell longer and better then we can do more work faster. If we do more work we get fitter, if we get fit we we create more power which allows us to increase intensity and continue the cycle.I probably could of said just that last paragraph and saved you 15 minutes but if you know me you know that's not possible . Hope you learned something because you cant get that time back hahahaand Hook grip today on the complex.Stouty

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Db/Kb Bench Press3x10HAP.


For Time:

12 Lengths 1 Arm Barbell Farmer Carry 45/35 - Alt Arms3 Bear Complex3 Length Bear Crawl12 Strict T2B8 Lengths1 Arm Barbell Farmer Carry 75/55 - Alt Arms2 Bear Complex2 Length Crawl8 Strict T2B4 Lengths 1 Arm Barbell Farmer Carry 95/65 - Alt Arms1 Bear complex1 Length Crawl4 Strict T2B.

Level 2:

Kipping T2B or knee raise.

Level 1:

Use a kb or Db for farmer carryKnee raise and.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


New Toys - Friday, April 20, 2018


This Weekend - Wednesday, April 18, 2018