Skill & Strength - Thursday June 8th/17

Skill & Strength

Everything has a place.  There are days to rest and days to work on skill. These days are just as important as met-cons, and whether the work is with a barbell/strongman/endurance or is gymnastics, it's all part of a well rounded functional athlete.

Technique is King

Remember that every movement has a progression, and in order to progress we need to, trust the process! It is great technique leads leads to strength ( and with great strength come great responsibility :)),  raw strength is natural for some but barbell speed and gymnastic balance is practiced, practiced and practiced some more. If you want to be efficient, strong and safe... then practice is the only way to get better. Remember every swing isn't a home run and every day can not be game day.

Rest days

On average you should be resting at least 2 days a week and for many 3 rest days are beneficial. Those days are great days to put your acquired fitness to use with a hike or playing a sport to as simple as a walk or playing with the kids or siblings/ friends. We need to make sure we incorporate PLAY into our weekly routine and rest days or off days are great days to do this. Remember... We are here for a long time and want to be safe and healthy to continue to train for life.Be smart, listen to your body and your coachesStouty 

Thursday June 8, 2017

Skill / Strength Day:

HandStand Push up skill Work.Hang Power Snatch3-3-3-3-3Sled Push Down Back1-1-1-1-1

Cash Out:

Core Work.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

Cherry-Pick - Friday June 9th/17


Run with a little Grace - Wed June 7/17