Lactate Threshold - Thursday May 25th/17
Lactate Threshold:
What is it?
Why do we Train it?
Disclaimer: I'm about to geek out a bit, I spend at-least an hour a night reading or listening to podcasts on any fitness subject I can find in order to make me a better coach... So if your not interested, scroll down to the WOD. But if you want some insight on being a better athlete.... keep reading
(Or maybe you need something to help you sleep lol.)
Lactate Threshold: When you break it down, it’s not as complicated as it first seems.
The concept of lactate-threshold training sounds complicated, but if you want to make improvements as a athlete, then it’s worth learning about this important zone and how to successfully train in it.In a recent interview I read with old school legendary Team Running USA Head Coach Dennis Barker, he expressed his thoughts on the subject. (Since 2001, he’s been the voice at Team Running USA Minnesota, and has produced over 20 national champions and one Olympian.)Barker states " That being able to perform for longer periods of time at or near lactate threshold in training was a factor in the success of many of his champions"
As you may notice I have a bit of a Bro Crush on Coach Hinshaw, And in an interview on Box Rox with Coach Hinshaw he talks about his training program at He speaks of his experience as a Tri-atholon champion. Then talks about being a coach relating his experience to his athletes. Hinshaw address how underestimating the difficulty of workouts and challenging mental toughness in some of the best athletes in the world, he sees them literally crumble before him.Chris, ( like myself) enjoys finding those workouts and programming them for his athletes so instead of shying away from it, they step into it and start to recognize what the workout stimulus. They better understand what the WOD is meant to be and what it is going to feel like. He finds training that lactate threshold is one of the best ways to make us better at dealing with that feeling. When we want to quit or we back off in that famous "survival" mode feeling, by training this area you can get past that and fight through it... But you cant do it successfully with out training it.At Indestri you are lucky as we program it, we teach it and we even offer a Free to anyone Wednesday night where you can continue to explore it from a running side with coach Steph at the track.
What exactly is lactate threshold?
IN A NUT SHELL:It’s just a line between aerobic and anaerobic running. You’re aerobic right now, because you’re taking in enough oxygen to meet the demands of what you are doing. But you’re not getting training effectiveness as it applies to being better at endurance exercises . For most athletes, the aerobic zone doesn’t begin until around 120 [heart] beats per minute. That’s the beginning of your aerobic training zone. The end of your pure aerobic training zone would be your lactate threshold.
Additional Benefits: (really gonna geek out here..)
There are some additional aerobic benefits beyond that. I think this has to do with heartbeat. It can get a little bit dicey, because of the differences with different heartbeats for different people, but by example if someone’s maximum heart beat is 200 beats per minute, then their lactate threshold would be around 180 beats per minute. So that means your pure aerobic training zone would be around 120 beats per minute to 180. You can get aerobic fitness at 120, but that is more low-quality training. Your recovery activity would be in this area — around 120 to 130 beats per minute, and that’s considered the conversational pace where you can talk comfortably during the exercise.(With my Basketball athletes I am notoriously heard saying.. "If you can talk, you aren't working hard enough")
High-quality aerobic training is about efficiency, which will make you a better CrossFitter and all around general athlete. So in my opinion you should definitely be training right at your threshold or slightly below that. This would mean your threshold workouts need to be right at 180 beats per minute or slightly below that. But for us who are not wearing heart rate monitors or are looking to sweat and just do as they are directed.. At Indestri we are going to manage that by building you working paces:
Sprint/ Max Effort: Full out "no holding back" "empty the tank" where you are challenging technique vs intensity.Fast: About 75-90% of your top speed and effort ( ideal place for 7-15 minute wods)Medium: 55%-75% OF MAX EFFORT OR SPRINTEasy: "Slow" recovery pace moving but nothing intense, slow breathing, lowering heart rate.
What I would like for you to take from my rambling if anything... Is to try to start to learn what these paces feel like and start to really take on these workouts. If we build this capacity, every other style of WOD ( sprint, endurance, Heavy or mid range are going to become easier.) Notice I didn't say more comfortable, you will just have a better understanding and capacity on how to approach them.
(Sorry i know that was a lot, take some, take it all or just come and trust we will get you the work we believe you need.)
Try todays workout and challenge that threshold. This could be done on any equipment found in the box or running or even swimming if you are a great swimmer.
Enjoy Stouty
Thursday May 25, 2017
Group Warm Up.
Workout Of the Day: (Lactate threshold) 23 Mins
5 Sets of: (no rest between sets)2 Min Row fast Pace (Goal over 500m)30 secs slow pace.
5 Sets of: (no rest between sets)1 Min Sprint (Goal over 250m)30 Secs slow pace .
Cash Out:
CORE -TASTIC - 8 min Cap3-5 rds20 Sec V- Sit20 Russian Twists with 10/15 lb. plate20 sec rests in between.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.