Thursday Muscle Up Tips- July 27/17
Tips from movement specialist Carl Paoli
Hey guys, So I have been lucky enough to work with a amazing movement specialist a few times and also speak with him regularly to go over my own training but more so your training. So here are a few tips he has for you if you want that muscle up. ( note, no-one gets to try a real MU with out demonstrating 3 strict pull ups and 3 strict ring dipsS0...You've tried everything to get a muscle up. You've spent countless hours in the gym performing the drills, followed by attempt after attempt at the muscle up, but nothing seems to stick.This video is for you. Carl Paoli is not only a gymnastics expert, but he is heavily involved with the CrossFit community and knows the demands faced by CrossFit athletes. This means he provides advice that works, works fast, and works well.[embed][/embed]
Here are five unique tips to get you your first muscle up:
- Get rid of the false grip - Yes, that's right. If you're going to kip, the false grip feels uncomfortable. Also, your shoulder flexibility and mobility will suck. Remove that restriction. Instead, do a pseudo-false grip. This is like a hook grip, but with your thumb outside your fingers.
- Keep the swing small - Don't go crazy with your beat swings. You don't want those rings to be swinging all over the place.
- Keep your feet where you can see them - When you do your hip-to-ring pull up, you should still be able to see your feet. In other words, your shoulders should be high, and your feet should be lower. Otherwise, it's hard to start the turnover.
- Pull the heels to the butt - If you've done it right so far, gravity will take care of your turnover. Your job is to ensure that your knees stay high. This action of pulling the legs in will take the weight off your shoulders, allowing you to stay light and efficient.
- Drop and pump-kick - Another advantage of pulling your knees up is that you are in a perfect position to kip the dip. Just drop your legs a little, and pump kick to finish off the dip.
You can ask any coach we have for advice for drills to get you to this movement and shoulder health to to do it safely. Also check or for videos from Carl.Stouty
Thursday July 27, 2017
Coach Steph Gym-nasty Prep.
Workout Of the Day:
10 min AMRAP 5 Muscle ups - Ring/bar10 handstand push-ups15/12 calorie row.
Lvl 2 Fitness
10 min AMRAP5 Jumping Bar Muscle ups1 min Handstand Hold15/12 calorie row.
Lvl 1 Technique
5 Ring Rows 5 Ring dip progressions10 Push ups12/9 calorie row.
Lvl 4 Competitor
10 min AMRAP5 Muscle ups - Ring10 6 " def. handstand push-ups15 calorie row.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.