Suitcase carry - Wednesday, July 26/17
Some tips and use's for Accessory work.Don't be afraid to go heavy. You're looking for a weight that will challenge your core to maintain good form. Bend your knees when you put down the weight. Usually, one down-and-back set is enough, but for an extra boost try going back and forth for as many as three loops. Do the exercise once a week.
Wednesday July 26, 2017
12 min EMOModd min: 2 length Bear CrawlEven Min: 2 L/R Length suit case carry ( 150/100).
Workout Of the Day:
For time:10 SDLHP 95/6550 double-unders8 SDLHP 95/6540 double-unders6 SDLHP 95/6530 double-unders4 SDLHP 95/6520 double-unders2 SDLHP 95/6510 double-unders.Lvl 2 FitnessFor time:10 SDLHP 75/5550 double-unders mix8 SDLHP 75/5540 double-unders mix6 SDLHP 75/5530 double-unders mix4 SDLHP 75/5520 double-unders mix2 SDLHP 75/5510 double-unders mix.Lvl 1 TechniqueFor time:10 SDLHP kb 24/16100 Single Unders8 SDLHP kb 24/1680 Single Unders6 SDLHP kb 24/1660 Single Unders4 SDLHP kb 24/1640 Single Unders2 SDLHP kb 24/1620 Single Unders.Lvl 4 CompetitorFor time:10 SDLHP 115/7550 double-unders8 SDLHP 115/7540 double-unders6 SDLHP 115/7530 double-unders4 SDLHP 115/7520 double-unders2 SDLHP 115/7510 double-undersDouble unders must be unbroken to advance- if missed must restart DU.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.