Sunday Indestri Strength Jan 22/17

Strength & Mobility are for Sunday

Strength & Mobility work is a necessary part of our training and its why we include it into some of the classes each week, but on Sunday its our main focus. Strength & Mobility training is a key component of overall health and fitness, and it provides an important balance to aerobic workouts.

Strength Training: It preserves muscle mass

Muscle mass diminishes with age. You can counteract this loss through strength training. The percentage of fat on your body increases as you get older if you don’t do anything to replace the lean muscle you lose. Strength training helps preserve and enhance your muscle mass, regardless of your age.

Decreases injury risk:

Build muscle, you help protect your joints from injury and increase your balance and coordination. This becomes increasingly important to help you maintain your stability, stamina and cardiovascular abilities during met-cons and outside the gym activities.  Strong, flexible and healthy muscles will keep you safe and really reduce the chance from joint and ligament injury.

Mobility: It will change you physically

One of the key reasons that muscles lose their natural suppleness and flexibility and can become prone to tears, aches, and pains is being inactive. If the situation is not remedied in time, loss of flexibility could lead to permanent changes in posture and normal muscle function. It is therefore imperative to maintain muscle flexibility as an important component of overall fitness.

The Benefits of Flexibility

A number of ways to test your flexibility. One of the most common ways, according to fitness experts, is to check if you can touch your toes while standing up with both legs straight. (You could check out various fitness sites available online for a more exact test.) When you find that you feel stiff, lacking in flexibility, suffering from bad posture or would like to increase your flexibility to improve your normal exercise routine, flexibility training is a must. Aerobic exercises and weight training include rapid and jerky movements, which can lead to joint and muscle fatigue. On the other hand, stretching exercises, yoga, and Pilates consist of gradual movements that can help to achieve greater flexibility..

Sunday January 22nd 2017

Warm Up:


Focus: Realization Week

Bench, Back Squat & Sh. Press1x5 @50%1x3 @60%1x2 @70%1x1 @75%1xAMRAP @80%.

Workout Of the Day:

3 RFT:40 Calories, Rowing30 Med Ball sit-ups 20/1420m Handstand Walk10 DB Thruster 55/35.

Cash Out:

 BREATHE5:00 PRANAYAMAROLL-OUT-ABDUCTORS 2:00/side.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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CrossFit Legend - Jan 23/17


Rep the box! - Jan 21/17