Rep the box! - Jan 21/17

Rep the box!

Some new gear has arrived for you to rep the box!  After your next workout check out the retail section for new CrossFit Indestri snapback's and Beanies!

We do have some stock of the CrossFit Indestri, black and gold, tanks, tee's and hoodies, but numbers are running low. If you haven't got yours yet, don't miss out, this was a limited edition colour combo, and they look sharp!

Saturday January 21st 2017


Coaches Pick :

9 AM Partner WOD:

5 Min AMRAPSH2OH95-115-135-155Rest 3 Min5 Min AMRAPFront Squat ( from Floor)115-135-155-185Rest 3 Min5 Min Max EffortSki or Bike..

10 Am Heavy

Workout:Sled WorkThenFat Jackie or Stoner Fran(Todd will decide tomorrow).Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WODContact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us:


Sunday Indestri Strength Jan 22/17


Open WOD 15.3 @ Indestri Jan 20/17