Hip Extension - Sunday, February 4, 2018

Life Begins with a Violent Hip extension....

Jumping. Dancing. Squatting. Punching. Throwing. Kipping Pullups. Snatching. And countless other good things in life all begin with violent hip extension, there a few more I could think of, but we’ll keep it G-Rated!

Before we dive deeper, let’s actually ask ourselves what hip extension is? 

Extension, in anatomical terms, mean that the joint angle increases between two body parts. The muscles responsible for hip extension are:your butt (gluteus maximus, medius),psoas,erectors of the spine,part of your hamstring (biceps femoris),adductorsquads (rectus femoris)Essentially, hip extension is the part where you stand up at the top of a box jump or squeeze your butt to standing out of a squat..

Why is it important? 

Power baby! All the muscles involved are big movers. Extremely strong and powerful, resulting in you lifting more, running faster, jumping higher when trained and performed properly. If you lack full hip extension your ability to express power truly diminishes and since we are CrossFitters we want to be able to be as efficient as possible because that will get us to lift more weight and get less tired.What does full hip extension look like? Check out some pictures below. All of these movements require full hip extension to express the movement to the fullest.  

So how do we do get hip extension?

For CrossFit, what I try to cue is Squeeze your butt. I know, it sounds weird, but it works. If you squeeze your butt really hard after your legs extend fully that’s a sure sign your at full extension. Whether the movements are box jumps, kipping pull-ups, double-under or like in today’s workout the Max height box jump or Shin Hop, if you can squeeze your butt fully when you stand up, that’s hip extension. The cool thing too is that the body moves smoothers, lighter, faster, etc. because you are recruiting ALL your muscles and not just a few!Lastly, I’ll leave you a picture of a girl named Mattie Rogers, who snatches 231. lbs and clean and jerks 293 lbs. at about 150 lbs. bodyweight. It wouldn’t happen without violent hip extension, see if you can spot where it happens! Lets Be Hip today..... *** Crickets ***Stouty

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Box Jumps ( from seated position)1-1-1-1-1-1-1 ( Build Height).Bench Press7-7-5-3-1.SEATED Sled Pulls 40ft3 Attempts to find Max weight.


5 RFT:1 Length DB OH Lunge Walk 35/2010 Shin Hops20 Mountain Climbers.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

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Monday, February 5, 2018


Saturday, February 3, 2018