Sunday Wendler Aug 27/17

Sometimes, your choices are not the best... but come to Sunday strength and fix your holes.

What to add to your Wendler Sunday Strength?

Assistance Work

How much assistance work you do is up to you. Natural lifters should try to be in and out of the gym in 60 minutes. If you can't "hit it" in that period of time, you need to take a long, hard look at the rest periods you are taking between assistance work sets. A quote from Jim Wendler on training duration:"People laugh and call me lazy, while they twit around in their three-hour workout making zero progress. Sometimes, instead of what you do in the weight room, it's what you don't do that will lead to success."In the Wendler's 5/3/1 book, the following assistance plans are presented:

  • Boring But Big. Main lift, the main lift again @ 5x10 (50% 1RM), and another accessory exercise for 5 sets.
  • The Triumvirate.  Main lift, and two assistance exercises - 5 sets each.
  • I'm Not Doing Jack Shit.  Main lift, and nothing else.
  • Periodization Bible by Dave Tate.  Main lift, and 3 exercises - 5 x 10-20 reps each.
  • Bodyweight.  Main lift, and 2 bodyweight exercises such as the pull up, sit ups, dips, etc

anytime your in the open gym or hanging out after and want to add some strength work to our program these are good options for a template. Any coach at Indestri can help you lay something out if you want a little more strength work and can't make a Sunday. 

Sunday August 27, 2017


Bench PressBack SquatSh.Press3x33 @70%3 @80%3+ @90%Add + 5 to your 1RM on Upper and +10lb to LowerTake 90% of those numbers and work the above scheme..

Workout Of the Day:

For Time: 30 min cap250 KB Swings 24/16 ( 28/20 for the daring)Every Break:1st break - 15/12 Cal Row2nd Break- 7 burpees over rower..repeat 1 & 2 until 200 swings. 

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Beauty of the Community - Monday, August 28th/17


Saturday- Partner WOD August 26/17