Strong - Sunday 02/17/19
Limited WheelWOD Gear in the gym.
If you want some of the new WheelWOD Gear that's online for sake and want to skip the shipping cost we have a limited amount in the GYM right now. Get it while supplies last!
Bench Press3-3-3-3-3-3.Banded Sh.Press3-3-3-3-3-3Superset with15 Plate Squats knees blocked out.
5 RdsMin 1: 30 Sec Max Cal AssaultMin 2: 2 lengths Sled PushMin 3: 2 Lengths Heavy Belly CarryMin 4: 30 Sec Max Cal Ski ErgMin 5: 6 Burpee Box Jump over & 10 Air Squats