Community Fun - Monday, November 19th, 2018

Community Fun

We had a very busy, but fun Saturday in downtown Collingwood this past weekend.  We kicked off the holiday season at the Ho Ho Holiday 5K presented by 365 Sports.  Setting up a little Winter Warm up land + WOD Shop area, we helped to get 1000 Santa's ready to run the 5k, and set up a mini WOD Shop with sleds loaded with presents, barbell present lifts, sandbag Santa sacks, etc…

It was great to see so many CFI members out to run the 5k event.We then reworked our WOD Shop to get ready for the annual Collingwood Santa Claus Parade.  Our 2nd year with a CrossFit Indestri float in the parade.  We had a group of CFI members from adults, to teens and even a few lil kilos with us to drag present sleds, demo some barbell lifts, and more…  Thanks to all those who came out with us!

We live in an incredible community + we absolutely love when we have the opportunity to support local events, + get out and show people what CrossFit Indestri is all about.  It's always fun to be able to get people interested + excited about health, fitness + functional movement for all ages + fitness levels.It was also so great to see so many CFI members smiling faces in the crowd along the parade route, jumping in on the side to squat with us + encourage those around them to join in as well.'Tis the Season for holiday spirit + this weekend was full of it!We would like to also thank Brad McKean for his handwork this past week with the construction of our beautiful CrossFit Indestri WOD Shop!!




Monday, November 19th, 2018


ThrusterFind a 5 RM.


2RFT100 Double-unders50 Thrusters 95/6525 Toes to bar.Level 2:2RFT50 DU50 Thrusters 75/5525 Knee Raises.Level 1:2RFT200 Singles35 Thrusters 45/3525 T2rack.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


Tickets - Tuesday, November 20th, 2018


Strength - Sunday, November 18th, 2018