New Class - Monday, June 4, 2018

New Class

Incase you missed the blog post on Friday night/Saturday.  Please see below for details on a new class beginning this week!Many have asked, and we have listened.  We will be running an Olympic lifting Class every other, Tuesday at 6:30 pm for the Summer starting this week, (June 5th)  and based on interest of the class come fall we will visit the possibly longer.This class will only be able to have 16 people in attendance. You must sign in.  If you don't sign in or the class is full, unfortunately you will be out of luck for that class.  Please understand that this is to give all attending the absolutely best experience and attention during the class.This class will not feature a WOD or be considered a heavy class.  This class will be primarily drill work focusing on Clean & Jerk and Snatch. The program will be building skill for beginners, as well as fine tuning technique for the more advanced.  The amount of weight on the bar will not be the focus although those who have been working at this a while will definitely have the ability to load the bar.  But note this, the best Olympic weight lifters in the world warm up with a PVC and sometimes never go farther than an empty bar for more then an hour of training. If you cant sweat under a PVC then you are not doing the drills right and you need to be at this class. This is not a "Specialty Class" any membership (unlimited, 3x a week or 10 class pass) may sign up.We look forward to the first class on Tuesday.  Please make sure you sign in if you want a spot. As only 16 spots will be available.Please keep in mind that this also means that on the Tuesday Nights that this class is running there will not be a regular 6:30pm WOD.  Everything is laid out in zenplanner.

Monday, June 4, 2018


Every 90 secs for 12 mins1 Clean Pull1 Hang Clean Pull1 Mid thigh Hang Clean1 Launch Clean1 One inch below the knee Clean1 Clean.


Sherwood FITNESS TEST  #2

3 RFT5 Ring Muscle-ups10 Squat Cleans 135/9520 box jumps 24"/20".

Level 2:

3RFT5 Burpee Jumping Bar MU10 Cleans 115/7520 Box Jumps 24/20.

Level 1:

3 RFT5 Burpee Jumping Pull ups10 Power Cleans20 Box Jumps 20/12.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


First Class - Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Sunday, June 3, 2018