Talk of the Open - Monday, August 12, 2019

Talk of the Open

The Open is coming!This October 10th the Open will kick off for the 2020 Games season.  The change has been made that every year from this October on, the open will fall, in the fall.  A couple months after the Games.  This change is to allow for the open to happen, before the start of the Sanctioned events.Open season’s coming....  But this shouldn’t cause stress!A lot of athletes find the open to be stressful.  But why?  What is your goal with the open?It’s okay to put pressure on yourself to perform to your best, as long as your expectations of how you should perform are realistic!  If you’re unable to do chest 2 bar pulls ups, it’s unrealistic to put the pressure on yourself to be able to perform bar muscle ups in the Open.  If you’re coming back from some sort of injury, or you’ve taken time off from training to enjoy the summer, etc.  These are also things you need to remember.  Where your training might have been before, might not be where your training is now, + that’s okay!!Bottom line is, unless you do the Open because you’re gunning for a spot at the CrossFit Games, the Open is + should be a fun, community building 5 weeks.  Enjoy it as that, yes, strive for your best, give it your best + leave it on the floor.  But do not stress!  Enjoy the time working out with your community, testing your current level of fitness, + encouraging your fellow community members to give it their best too!

Monday, August 12th, 2019


Weighted Step Ups10/10 - 10 -10Super set with Land Mines10/10 - 10 - 10.


3 RFT:75 Double-unders50 Calories Rowing/Bike15 Db Box Step up & Over 55/35

Level 2

3 RFT:75 Double-under Mix40 Calories Rowing/Bike15 Db Box Step up & Over 35/20

Level 1

3 RFT:75 Db Lateral Hop40/30 Calories Rowing/Bike15 Box Step up & Over.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .

Contact us:

Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5

Phone: (705) 444-0006

Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


The Girls - Tuesday, August 13th, 2019


Why? - Friday, August 9th, 2019