Treatment - Monday Jun 19/17
We hope everyone had a good weekend and you were able to enjoy some outside time between storms.Happy Father's Day to all our CFI fathers.Looking ahead to another great week of fitness at CFI.
Therapy Room
If you haven't ever booked a treatment in our therapy room. What are you waiting for?Jenn Redding our resident AcuPunk from AcuFX is back Monday, Jenn offers Acupuncture | Gua Sha | Cupping, and is available for appointments in our therapy room on Monday's and some Tuesday's every two weeks.We also have Registered Massage Therapist Steph Bishop-Nicksy available for appointments throughout the week. Inquire with Steph McKean, Jen Nichol or Steph Bishop-Nicksy for available times to book.You train hard, make sure you're recovering smart! Book some time in the CrossFit Indestri Therapy room.
Monday June 19, 2017
12 min E2MOM2 Cleans3 JerkLoad Weight each round Finish with 75%-80% 0f your Clean 1RM.
Workout Of the Day:
For Time:15 C&J for TimeRest as Needed For Time:12 C&JRest As NeededFor Time:9 C&J***WOD weight is EMOM Finish Weight******Score is Time & Weight***.
Cash Out:
Coach Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.
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